814-863-0471 oeoa@psu.edu

Employment Branding

Does the unit have a positive reputation among populations you’re trying to recruit?

Outreach efforts, image advertising, networking, and other strategies are used to develop relationships with target populations.

If communities don’t have a connection or experience with an institution, they won’t typically take a risk and apply for a specific position. This is particularly true if few members of those communities are employed at the institution.

Employment Landing Page:

A page or section on your website giving potential applicants all the information they need to become interested in and apply for the job. 

To attract URM candidates, this page should focus on demographics, climate, a desire to increase diversity, and highlight examples of successful URM faculty and staff.

Image Ad:

An indirect form of advertising that doesn’t specifically announce a vacancy, but develops the unit’s employment brand as a great place to work.

An example might be a campaign such as “See who’s working in the Biology or Linguistics department” or “See who’s working in Housing & Food Services or Student Affairs,” featuring a diverse group of successful, distinguished faculty.

Predisposes a candidate to apply when a vacancy arises because of the earlier positive images of the unit.