Author: Sara (Page 1 of 2)

Get Your Work Featured on our Blog!

Personal note: As a Penn State student, I write on average 1 paper a week, not including the 4 discussion posts in just this semester alone. Here at Penn State, my degree focuses mainly on the Social Science’s, so typically each semester I end up writing at least one research paper for each class, depending on the classes I take per semester. What I usually find is that my work or my thoughts in my classes are often worth sharing. I believe that I’m not the only one who takes pride in their work and I believe there are many other people with ideas and thoughts worth sharing.

Submit any work that you would like:

  • Personal stories
  • Class projects/presentations
  • Research papers
  • Discussion Postings
  • Ideas
  • Opinion pieces
  • Personal tips/advice

Have you ever written a paper that you were extremely proud of, or created a project for a class that you’ve always wanted to share? As AAUW members, your voice deserves to be heard and we would love to share your thoughts and ideas with the world.

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Thank you,

AAUW Penn State World Campus Officers

Interested in a Leadership Position?

AAUW Penn State World Campus is actively looking a Treasurer to join our team.

AAUW Penn State World Campus is in search of the club Treasurer. This position is open to all Penn State students regardless of gender, or background. Would prefer World Campus students, but that is not a requirement.

Requirements for all positions:
  • Can commit to at least two (2) semesters
  • Ability to dedicate a minimum of two (2) hours to the club each week
  • Must attend club meetings (2-4) a semester.
  • Be willing to work with the other club officers to ensure the proper AAUW experience for all members
  • A passion for women’s rights and an understanding of AAUW’s mission and goals.

Treasurer Description:

The treasurer should keep the officers, and members informed about the student organization’s financial activities. Bear in mind that this position is new and the perfect candidate will be self-motivated. The responsibilities of the treasurer include but are not limited to:

  • preparing the annual student organization budget
  • monitoring the student organization’s budget
  • completing an annual financial report for the student organization
  • tending to the status of all purchase requests
  • collecting funds and depositing to the student organization’s account
  • paying bills
  • keeping a record of all transactions, i.e. deposits, checks and adjusting entries
  • preparing monthly financial reports and documents to keep the student organization’s membership informed about the student organization’s financial situation

The treasurer should be able to work closely with the advisor, president, vice president, and secretary in regard to the budget, procuring funds for the club, and finding material on the AAUW national website. The Treasurer should be available for meetings and has the freedom to come up with their own ideas on fundraising/event planning.


Please share with any Penn State colleagues. If you or someone you know is interested, please apply by filling out the form below:

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AAUW PSU-WC Officer and Member Featured in World Campus Blog

Student Perspective: Sara Krummick

Sarah Krummick knew she needed a quality education to advance her career and sought advice from a Penn State World Campus career counselor about what she career she could pursue when she graduates in 2020. Here’s her story.

What will be your graduation year and degree from Penn State World Campus?

I will graduate in 2020. My degree is in integrated social sciences, with a minor in media studies.

What is your current hometown?

I am currently living in Columbus, OH. However, I’m originally from northwest Arkansas.

What/where is your current career and workplace?

I am a nanny. I work for a family here in Columbus. After I finish my degree, I plan on working in public relations or advertising.

What does a typical workday look like for you? How do you fit in your online studies?

Typically, I work between 3 and 4 days a week. Since I work around 30 hours a week, I never feel pressure to get my studies done. I begin work around 7:30 a.m. and once my nanny child falls asleep in the afternoon, I study and complete most of my work. My day ends around 5:00 p.m. At that point, I go home and spend the evening with my fiancé. On my days off, usually Thursdays and Fridays, I spend time completing my school work, running errands, and doing housework.

How did you become interested in your career?

I started as a nanny right out of high school. I really enjoy this opportunity and have done it right alongside my school work. After starting at Penn State World Campus, I found direction by speaking with my career counselor, Lynn. She advised me to take a Kudor questionnaire and, shortly after, she advised me on what the results meant. Before meeting with Lynn, I felt like I had little direction. I had a major, but I wasn’t sure what would happen to me after I finished my studies. After some thought, I decided that PR/advertising and communications were where I should be focusing my time!

Has Penn State World Campus impacted your career? How?

Penn State World Campus has impacted my career by allowing me to get involved. I am currently the secretary of the AAUW World Campus, and I’ve been able to hone new skills that make me more confident in my professional life. I’ve gained real hands-on experience and I wouldn’t have been able to do that without the help of World Campus. When I went to community college, there were no real opportunities to apply the knowledge I had learned, but through World Campus clubs and organizations, I have been able to do that.

How do you stay connected with the University?

I stay connected with Penn State World Campus by being a part of the AAUW, following all social media platforms, being involved with the Student Ambassador Program, and being a part of the Student Centers Canvas page. I try to stay connected to my peers and to the advisers. I frequently take advantage of whatever opportunity I can through Penn State, whether it be student organizationstechnology supportcareer counselorsdisability resource center, or even finding my peers on LinkedIn. I feel like the college experience isn’t complete without doing these things.

What is some advice that you would give to fellow online learners?

Never give up. I have wanted to give up so many times — I truly know that feeling all too well. I have been in school now for more than 5 years. I still have 4 semesters left, and I say to myself every day, “I’m almost done. I’ve got this.”

Women of AAUW World Campus-McKesha Alexander


Now as we wrap up Women’s History Month, we feel it would be an honor to recognize McKesha Alexander as one of the Women of the AAUW here at Penn State World Campus. Women’s History Month has shed light on the many achievements and successes women and girls have made. It is valuable to look back on what the past has taught us as women. It is also equally valuable to mark the accomplishes that women everywhere and every day are making as well. Mckesha is one of us, a Penn Stater through and through. Let’s celebrate her, just like we would the women in history.

Q. What degree are pursuing?

A. I am currently pursuing a Bachelor of Arts in Strategic Communications to which I hope to have a minor in Political Science as well.

Q. What is your current job/career path?

A. For the last 11 years, I have been working at a non-profit organization that serves people who have intellectual and/or developmental disabilities. If someone told me that 11 years from now that I will still be at this job but there is major fulfillment in helping someone that is unable to help themselves than I would have been like really?? Little did I know that every time I hear a story on how we have made a huge impact on their life than there is no prouder feeling and it makes me want to continue to fight for the people who are considered no longer wanted or needed by today’s society.

Q. Where are you from/where do live now?

A. I was born and raised here in Memphis, TN. Yes, the home of Elvis, Beale Street, and BBQ I must say! About 16 years ago I did move to another city where I was attending another university. At the time my mother became much sicker until she passed in February 2003. After her passing, I decided to move back to Memphis to be closer to family. While moving back home wasn’t an easy choice but it’s turning out to be one of the best decisions that I have made. Now that doesn’t say that I wouldn’t want to move in the future but who knows?

Q. When will you graduate?

A. My target date is for Spring 2020, but we will see after I finish up this minor.

Q. How did you hear about AAUW World Campus?

A. Actually, I found out this club through a virtual meetup that was held last summer. After having a conversation with some of the officers of the club I decided to join.

Q. What does activism mean to you?

A. Wow, great question! Activism means standing up for what you think is right for yourself as well as other people. It’s also never too late to take a stand on something that you truly believe in.

Q. What are some ways that you active in your community?

A. One way I stay connected to my community is through my current job which allows me to become a voice for the voiceless and of course reaching out to various resources to be included in the process. I am also a very giving person so therefore if there is a need for me to help then I will try my best to do so.

Q. Tell me what an average day looks like you?

A. My day usually starts early by arriving at my job by 9am. From there, I see what deadlines I need to meet before the end of the day. After work, I am usually home to work on my studies for the week. Now when I am not studying, I like to travel, listen to various types of music…my playlist…where do I begin…LOL! but mostly time with family and friends.

Q. What are you passionate about in women issues?

A. The first thing that comes to mind is equal pay. To a citizen in one of the richest countries and still an issue, we are fighting is unacceptable. Another issue is the #metoo movement while we have different opinions/observations about it this should not be swept under the rug. To me as a woman of color, both issues affected me deeply therefore I will continue to be in the fight until both issues are not issues anymore.

Q. What course has been your favorite, so far, at Penn State World Campus?

A. My favorite class so far is the one I am currently in (Introduction to Leadership). This class has opened my thoughts into new ways that I want to lead whether it is in business or my personal life.

Q. Do have any advice for women/girls pursing their college degrees?

A. As women, we’re told as well as shown how society will view as a person. If you see yourself being a college graduate don’t stop until that piece of paper is placed in your hands. Now I can’t say that the road to getting that degree will be easy, but it will make it all the worthwhile in the end. Also, it very important that you surround yourself around people that not only believe in you but will be with you every step of the way as part of your support system.

Q. Do have any advice for anyone just starting at Penn State World Campus?

A. For me was taking time to understand that World Campus is not just an online community that it is truly an extension of the main campus. Just because you are pursing your degree online, Penn State continues to show its students that We Are is more than a saying. Now for your classes, get to know other classmates as well as your professor you will be surprised that you have a lot more in common than you think. And finally, taking courses online may seem easy however, if you develop proper time management skills as well as communicate what you expected out each class than you will do great here.


AAUW PSU-WC President & Founder Featured in World Campus Blog

Student Perspective: Carolyn Bezak

We recently spoke with Carolyn Bezak about her experience taking Penn State World Campus courses while managing her family time and coping with a disability. Here’s what she had to say:

When will you graduate and with what Penn State degree?

I should be graduating in spring 2020 with a degree in human development and family studies and a minor in rehabilitation human services.

What is your current hometown?

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

What is a typical day like for you?

I am a mother, homemaker, and a student. I get my husband off to work in the middle of the night (2:00 a.m. wake-up), then I get my son off to middle school at 7:30 a.m. Next, I spend time on school work, my responsibilities as president and founder of the American Association of University Women (AAUW) for Penn State World Campus, and my role as a Penn State World Campus Ambassador.

How has Penn State World Campus impacted your life?

I was diagnosed with a chronic illness, and going back to school has helped me concentrate on other things besides my pain. I decided I wanted to help others also going through rough times in their lives.

Penn State World Campus has allowed me to pursue my degree at my own pace (starting with two classes a semester and working my way up to 9 credits per semester). There is no pressure to finish in a hurry. Working from home allows me to learn without leaving my house; some days, it is hard for me to drive or to get around. I could not have done this without being a student online.

What are some of the challenges you have faced as a World Campus student? How have you overcome these challenges?

Some of my challenges were from being out of school for so long. This affected my math grades and statistics course. I overcame this by taking an extra math class before my statistics course to refresh my brain for mathematical thinking. My professors and my disability liaison have helped me work out small details, such as taking tests with a proctor by using an online camera. I also sometimes need an extra day or two to complete my work if I have been unable to get out of bed during the week. I work ahead to help keep this from occurring, and normally, I have most of the work done on time even if I asked for an extension. Penn State has shown how much they care about making things fair for me, with my disability, to compete with other students. I have all A’s in my core classes. I am not sure what my current GPA is, but the last time I checked it (a few semesters ago), it was 3.76.

Do you stay connected with Penn State? How do you stay connected?

I stay connected with Penn State by being involved in the AAUW organization that I mentioned and the Ambassador program. I also have formed good conversational relationships with some of my professors. They help me take the material to the next level or apply it to real-life settings. I use Yammer a lot to communicate. I have made great friends with some of my classmates who have graduated, and we still keep in touch — even though I have never met them in person. They are some of my closest friends now.

What is some advice that you would give to a current Penn State World Campus student?

I would advise someone to put more into the online program than is asked for. You will reap many benefits from the knowledge of professionals who can help you figure out what your next move should be after graduating. Take advantage of the tutoring that is offered, if you need it, and all the other resources offered by Penn State. Try to find a club to participate in where you can find friends who share your interests and views. Open up and let people see who you are, not just what you do in class.

Financial Literacy “For Women” -Includes lessons on Financial Literacy

Here is the link to our past webinar regarding financial literacy for Women. It was an excellent webinar and is now available for all our members to view:

Here is a link to the PowerPoint used during the webinar:


Also available are modules for the lessons outlined in the webinar. Feel free to complete this at your own pace, and let us know in the comments if you complete it:

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