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Energy: Part 2

After learning about the different types of renewable energy sources, you might be wondering, is it even possible to transition to primarily using these resources? Although there is not currently a lot of research around this topic, the research that has been done shows that a global transition to complete renewable energy sources in all areas including heat, power, transportation, and desalination, is feasible.

Fact check: Is nuclear energy good for the climate? – DW ...
Nuclear Energy Plants. Image Source.

In addition to all the renewable energy sources I mentioned in my last post, I want to talk a little bit about nuclear power. Nuclear energy uses nuclear fission (atoms breaking apart) to boil water and create steam that ultimately turns a generator to produce electricity. Although there are no greenhouse gas emissions from nuclear fission, the cost to create these nuclear power plants is a lot. There are also past accidents to consider when thinking about nuclear power plants. Nobody finds it comforting to find out there is a nuclear power plant near their house, especially after the Chernobyl incident back in the 1980s that released radiation across Europe.

ENERGY STAR Certified Products - Best Buy
ENERGY STAR Products. Image Source.

With this knowledge, companies can make decisions to both improve their overall energy efficiency, remain economical, and do what is best to mitigate the effects of climate change. ENERGY STAR products, resources or houses, are ones that meet the strict energy-efficiency specifications made by the EPA. Companies can implement these ENERGY STAR resources into their company to create a clean future. Another thing companies can do is to green the workplace by creating green roofs, putting in solar panels, or providing sustainable landscaping.

In addition to companies making changes within their industries, we can make a difference too. By looking for the ENERGY STAR label on products such as electronics, lighting, appliances, and heating/cooling equipment, we can choose to buy environmentally friendly products. Considering an ENERGY STAR home as well as products ensures that you are living in a place built to very high standards. There are also many smaller scale things you can do every day to lessen the amount of energy you use and still make a difference. A few examples include turning off the lights when you leave a room, adjusting window shades to reduce the necessary heating and cooling used, or unplugging electronics when you don’t need them. Even if it doesn’t seem like a lot, it can make a difference.

Overall, protecting our environment and preventing climate change is becoming one of the most prevalent concerns globally, and I hope you learned something new about this topic through my blog!

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  1. Kwe

    This blog does a great job of drawing you in. The discussion surrounding energy sources and effective ways in which we can help the environment is not talked about enough. What I really liked about your blog is the inclusion of appliances using energy star as a label. This was a good addition due to the fact it gives everyone something to do to help this issue. Not everyone has access to build solar panels, but they could buy an energy-efficient fridge or microwave. The point is it gives individuals a simple task to help the environment. Excellent work.

  2. skb6335

    My blog was also about the environment, so I researched a lot of similar topics and completely agree. I think the best way for people to start protecting our environment is by beginning small such as turning the lights off when you don’t need them or recycling more. I think if people start out with these large goals they normally will not be followed through because it is usually difficult to live extremely sustainable if you haven’t had any prior knowledge or practice.

  3. cxd5544

    Good point about nobody really wanting a nuclear power plant in their community due to incidents like Chernobyl (or the simpsons three eyed fish from the plant), while at the same time it is some of the cleanest energy possible. Also I will be sure to purchase more energy star products to become more energy efficient.

  4. Rik Bhattacharyya

    I like how you talked about nuclear energy because it is really important for us to being more sustainable. It’s kind of like comparing the risks of airplanes vs cars. While airplanes are way “scarier,” you are more likely to die in a car accident just because of how often it is used. I feel as though it is the same way with nuclear because we hear so much bad stuff about what can go wrong.

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