Resolution: Do 1 kind thing for someone every day.
We’ve all heard the saying, “It’s better to give than to receive”. But there’s more to it than that. Kindness is defined as the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate. Showing kindness is something that we might not give thought to on a daily basis, but it deserves more attention. Even small kind actions make a big difference on someone else’s life, as well as your own. Evidence shows that being kind can improve your mental health, reduce stress and improve happiness. In addition to improving our own well-being, we are also helping other people feel good and improving the world around us through acts of kindness. When one person is kind to another person, it often sets off a chain reaction of other kind actions. It makes other people want to be nice to the people around them too.

There are numerous ways to show kindness, and one of the simplest and effective things to do is give a compliment. Sometimes when we see something about someone else we like, we keep the thoughts in our head and don’t tell them. Think about the last time you received a compliment. Most people remember nice things people say about them for at minimum the remainder of the day, sometimes throughout the week, or even longer. That’s why when you like something about someone, whether it is an article of clothing or an aspect of their personality, you should tell them. In addition to being conscious of expressing your positive thoughts about someone, expressing when you are grateful for someone’s presence is also important. If someone has a positive impact on you, tell them. It will most definitely bring a smile to their face.

Other ways that you can show kindness is through letters. Maybe there is a friend who you don’t talk to as much anymore due to separation and you want to check in on them. Sending a handwritten letter is one of the best ways to do so. Receiving a tangible piece of paper with writing means so much more today than it used to, considering most of the communication people use is through electronic devices. Having that personal aspect of a note or letter makes it feel so much more important.
Knowing how to show kindness is one thing, but being able to actually do it is another. When I originally created this resolution, I thought it would be one of the hardest to keep up with. But surprisingly, even after just a month, it is already a habit. After you give someone a compliment or do something nice for someone, you feel great and want to continue doing it. It easily becomes part of your daily life and you don’t even think about it, but instead it just becomes a part of who you are. So maybe try it today: do 1 kind thing for someone and see how it goes. I promise you won’t regret it.
I love this resolution. I don’t think people realize how these small actions can make such big impacts on some people. I think everyone should try this resolution because I definitely think we could use some more kindness in the world today.
I agree with this blog so much. Kindness is something I feel everyone has to practice in their everyday lives. I know in my darkest days a simple compliment about my outfit or even someone being happy that I am around them has done so much for me. I try my best to be kind to everyone I come across and it has got me so far. Amazing message and great blog!
I LOVE THIS! I believe often, we remember mean words, rather than kind ones. If we increase kindness in our society, negativity can begin to be flushed out. I like that you included the physical benefits kindness can give you!