**The songs mentioned can be found at the bottom of the review!**
I’m surprised that I’ve lasted this long writing these blog posts and I haven’t written about BROCKHAMPTON. By far, they’re one of my favorite bands and it takes a special kind of person to enjoy their music, especially their lesser known songs. I’ve tried to avoid writing about them, but as soon as one of my close friends recommended I listen to this album, I couldn’t resist. If you’re a fan of BROCKHAMPTON, you’d know that this isn’t one of their more popular albums, but it’s still just as good as their other more popular ones.
Best Overall: GINGER – Love, love, love this song. I like the message that they’re getting across, I love the way that there are overlays of the lyrics being sung in different pitches. Oh, and the beat drop at the beginning of the song is amazing. Plain and simple, it’s a good song.
Most Underrated: VICTOR ROBERTS – Wow is this song overrated. I love the story at the beginning because it really sets the tone for the rest of the song. He raps about how the LAPD were being pretty violent with his family after they busted into their house, and how that came to be. We get closure at the end, when he starts singing about the things he has to “thank God” for, because he might have been through devastating things, but he’s found love for himself and has made it through to tell the story. After really paying attention to the lyrics, the ending hits you hard, and I love it.
Most Popular: SUGAR – Have you ever listened to a song before it’s popular, and then it becomes popular and overplayed so it bothers you a little? Well, this is what happened with me and this song. I listened to BROCKHAMPTON before some of their songs became popular on social media platforms, and then these trends kinda ruined it for me. This is a great song, especially for someone who doesn’t listen to music like this, it’s a great way to transition into this kind of music. If you’re open to listening to any of these songs, especially because it was so popular on TikTok, I’d give this one a listen.
Honorable Mention: NO HALO – The flow of this song hits different, and when he’s rapping about how “I don’t know where I’m goin’/If I gotta take the high road, I’m rollin’,” that resonated with me a lot. The point of this song is basically to say that we might be angels with halos over our heads, but we’re all just trying to find ourselves and our purpose in life, whether we turn to our inner selves or to God. I love the message of the song and the way BROCKHAMPTON went about it is amazing, including little anecdotes to get the message across.
Least Best: BIG BOY – There’s something about this song that doesn’t sit well and I think it’s the whispering type of rap in the beginning. It might be the chorus, but even throughout the song there’s some sort of shushing and whisper-esque sounds that I just don’t like. I love every other part of the song, but the whole whispering thing wasn’t a good vibe for me.