The Anthology – The Ink Spots

The Ink Spots - Wikipedia**The songs mentioned can be found at the bottom of the review!**

If you could listen to a decade of music that wasn’t now, what would you listen to? I wish I could remember how I got into listening to 50s and 60s music, but wow has it changed my life. Where has this music gone off to? It takes a special kind of mood to listen to it (reminiscent, calm, wanting to listen to something slow), but quite frankly, I think 50s to 60s music is definitely underrated. The Ink Spots have been a group that I have always gravitated towards and gone back to when I’m in the mood to listen to this kind of music, so I would recommend them to anyone trying to expand their music taste to different decades; they’re amazing :). Update: upon further research, I was very much wrong. The Ink Spots were a group in the 30s and 40s, but my statement still stands about loving 50s and 60s music, and the Ink Spots are still pretty cool.

Best Overall: I’m Beginning to See the Light – This is the type of song you’d expect to listen to in any jazz album. The addition of Ella Fitzgerald on this song is immaculate. Their voices go so well together; it hits the spot. Oh and the ending with the decrescendo of the music is beyond satisfying. I’ll be honest and say that I Don’t Want to Set the World on Fire would’ve been in this category so quickly, but this also deserves the spot (just not as much).

Most Underrated: The Gypsy – Can I mention quickly that I find it interesting that multiple songs of this album have the same beginning parts? I’ve never listened to an album that has had multiple songs have the same music. Either way, I didn’t expect to enjoy this song, but somehow the Ink Spots manage to make everything great. I love the message of love and how they went about delivering it, I wish more people would listen to this song.

INK SPOTS - Ultimate Collection - Music

Most Popular: I Don’t Want to Set the World on Fire – Wow, this song is just perfect. The singer’s voice is perfect, the pacing, the subtle background music, the background singers complimenting every note that the lead singer sings; it’s perfect. This was extremely difficult for me because this deserves to be in the Best Overall category, as it’s my favorite song by far, but that’s not how this ranking goes. If someone were to ask me what song to listen to from this debut, it would be this one, hands down, no doubt about it. Try it out!


Honorable Mention: Ask Anyone Who Knows – All about love, this song feels so good to listen to. His voice compliments the lyrics very well and it is extremely satisfying to listen to his explanation of love and happiness. As he sings about, ask anyone and they’ll explain love the same way, which is a message that is quite comforting to hear with everything going on around us in the world. 

The Ink Spots | RhinoLeast Best: Sometime – I don’t think any of the songs in this album are bad by any means, but some songs simply don’t fit the vibes of the rest. This is one of those songs. I don’t know how to explain it, but this song seems off. I don’t think I like the pacing of the music at all, and the lyrics don’t match the music very well. I’m not a composer, but this song, in short, isn’t for me.




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