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Issue Brief Paper Outline

My Topic: Stalking on college campuses

(I am not finished with my outline, I still need to find an introduction/attention grabber and I also need to research solutions to this issue).


The format: 

  • Attention
    • Find a way to engage audience
    • Provide relevance to audience’s lives
      • Perhaps begin with anecdote, example, news story, current/recent event
  • Statement of need/Identify problem or issue- College campuses need to take more action to end stalking and violence against women. 
    • Provide overview of problem (
    • Provide evidence that the problem is REAL
    • Provide variety of supports
    • Corroborate claims that might format skepticism
      • Sometimes reaching out for help legally or from other professionals makes victims feel unsafe. If victims were to contact a therapist to relieve mental stress about the situation, the therapist is most often required to contact a higher authority or report the situation to the police despite HIPAA laws which can force the victim to report the incident when they aren’t ready yet and don’t feel protected enough to do so. 
      • Sometimes it’s hard to record information without the stalker knowing, and the victim might be threatened by the stalker.
      • Any legal solutions like restraining orders can lead to retaliation from the perpetrator and make the situation worse, once again making the victim feel unsafe.
  • Significance of need
  • Satisfy need/Identify steps that will alleviate problem
    • Draw on solid claims and evidence used in stating the problem
    • Offer examples that illustrate viability of suggested efforts
    • Explain how steps will be effective
  • Visualization/Solvency- Prove that steps will actually solve the problem; look to future
    • Explain what happens if steps are taken
      • Use examples to prove solution(s) will work
        • OR    –
    • Explain what happens if steps are not taken
      • Use examples to prove solution(s) will work
        • OR    –
    • Do both
  • Disadvantages- show/prove that the proposed plan won’t make matters worse or negatively affect others as consistent with the values, principles that initiated and root the brief’s exigence and goals
  • Action
    • Provide a path for audience participation in the subject


Published inUncategorized

One Comment

  1. Lori Bedell

    Hi Abby,
    I think showing where colleges are lacking and offering specifics about how they can do more would be helpful. Are there schools who are getting it right? Do wider laws inhibit colleges from doing more?

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