Research Question

For Pittsburgh high school girls, using the control of Instagram, what is the relationship between time spent on app and body dysmorphia

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Here, we are tracking a sample size of girls from and surrounding a city rather than the whole country, so we can get an estimate. The sample size is large but is not excessive, this way we have a good sample of the population, without having to reach the whole population.


Control Variable:

We are controlling the social media platform they are using. There are many media platforms, but if we limit to one, then we can track specifically how one affects a group.


Independent Variable:

The independent variable is how long the high schoolers spend on Instagram. We can ask the girls how long they spend on Instagram per day on a survey.


Dependent Variable:

The dependent variable would be whether girls feel their body is what they wish it would look like. We could ask on a survey “On a scale of 1-10 how happy are you with your body” and then ask them why they are unhappy.

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