
My name is Taran Abel, and I am currently a Digital Art Major at Penn State Abington.  My main career interest is around the line of game design and animation.  The disciplines as of recent that I actually am exploring is trying to have a good grasp of creating conceptual art, since recently I figured out that I could potentially work really well here after a year of investing into an out of school project that I intend to bring to the professional world sometime after I graduate.  As for advantages I would expect to use, easily the makerspace.  It is literally a digital art studio that has everything a digital art student such as myself would need.  Like originally stated, I am targeting video game design and animation, and likely the conceptual art would be my best part in both of those mediums.  So it is possible I’ll try to pursue pitching to the animation world the project I currently have on me.  I don’t feel I would be able to pitch to the video game world just yet since they also want an idea of how the interactivity of a game works as well, so they would want some actual execution.  I am only an individual currently and creating a game concept would either require a more fleshed out skill set then what I currently have, or require a development team, something I currently lack right now.

Object Correlating Alphabet

January 2021

Name written out with Object Correlating Alphabet

January 2021

Object Correlating Alphabet Transitioning Gif

January 2021


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