Music Common Hour Student Performance

The student concert is always one of inspiration and this week’s performance was no exception. We had an array of music from classical to heavy metal  performances, as well as a variety of dramatic performances including an original poetry reading. This is a wonderful gathering of all our InArt faculty and students that shows off the enormous talent and creativity we have at the Abington campus.

Our concert began with three vocal selections featuring students from the studios of Dr. Kim Robson and Corbin Abernathy. This was followed by three dramatic presentations representing students of Susan Chase and Michelle Pauls. Moving back towards the classical side of the repertoire, a movement from Mozart’s famous Flute Concerto along with Massenet’s hauntingly beautiful Meditation for violin and piano featured students of Dr. Kim Robson and Greg Teperman. A classic Peter Frampton guitar piece featured one of John Pachence’s students and the program was rounded out by a variety of solo piano performances from students in the studio of Dr. Gilya Hodos.

Also participating from afar, were the guitar students of Dr. Michael Galganski. You can see their recorded performances in the links below.

Jonathan Suh   “All The Things You Are” by Hammerstein and Kern

Charlton Miller: “All The Things You Are” by Hammerstein and Kern

Elijah Pierce    “Lift Together” by Power and Spanos

Jackie Lee   “Unravel” by Yutaka Yamada

Click here for a copy of the program

Watch below if you want to see the performance!!

We hope you will sign up for individual private lessons in  drama, guitar, piano, violin, or  voice in the spring with our artistically energizing faculty. Unlock your creative and inventive talents!!

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