To Kill A Lanternfly: FAQ

Spotted LanternflySpotted Lanternfly

Makayla Baddeley

What is a Spotted Lanternfly? It is an invasive species native to China, India, and Vietnam.

What are they doing? They are killing trees and other types of plants. They feed on the sap or nutrients within plants, and they secrete something called “honeydew” and if there is a buildup of this substance it creates mold which is dangerous to humans and animals.

How do I identify a spotted lanternfly? An adult lantern fly has a patch of bright red on the underside of its wings. The top of the wings are white and or light brown with black dots.

What should I do if I see a spotted lanternfly? At any stage in its life please kill it, and report it to PennState Extension at 1-888-422-3359 or at 1-888-4BADFLY

Why should I kill a spotted lanternfly? They are an invasive species that destroy different types of plants including maple trees, walnut trees, grapevines and other major important plants that grow in Bucks and other PA counties.

Is the spotted lanternfly aggressive towards people? No, they do not bite, swarm, or sting people. Their only prey is unfortunately our plants and trees.

Not sure if it’s really a spotted lanternfly? PennState Extension has three main categories on their website, Report, Identify, and Manage. Here is the link to the “Identify” chart and pictures to help you decipher.

Is my county affected by the spotted lanternfly? 26 counties are currently dealing with spotted lanternfly issues. The Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture has an interactive map you can use to identify if your area is affected.

Winter is coming, does that mean I don’t have to worry? The adult spotted lanternfly will not survive the winter. The eggs will survive the winter and hatch next spring.

What else can I do to help? Please review and spread the word about The Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture’s checklist for residents on how to stop the spread.

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