Michael Quinn
From November 9 through November 14, Penn State Abington Student Affairs held a virtual Wellness Week, with Penn State Abington Athletics promoting this on their social media accounts and website. Monday through Saturday, Zoom meetings were held discussing a variety of topics that involve the main subject of wellness.
Monday and Tuesday saw presentations such as “Strength & Conditioning,” and “Stress and the Pandemic.” Stress and the Pandemic had Christine Michaels as the presenter, the NAMI Keystone Pennsylvania CEO. The discussion touched on topics such “learning about sources of stress, signs you may be overwhelmed and how you can manage your stress through self-care,” via the Penn State Abington Sports Instagram account.
Wednesday’s topic was “HIV 101,” followed by a packed Thursday schedule that consisted of “Aerobics & Cardio,” Mental Health Advocate, and Living Donations. Living Donations had attendees “learn what puts a person at risk for kidney disease, discuss dialysis, and opportunities to help others by spreading the word about living donations.” Living Donations liaison Cherie Peters presented along with Thomas E. Starzl Transplantation Institute and living donor Jacob Gland.
Friday holds three events: Comprehensive Sex Education and Violence Prevention, Suicide Prevention, and Understanding Addiction: An Epidemic and Pandemic. Wellness Week wraps up on Saturday with Yoga & Pilates.
All of these discussions and meetings were held over Zoom with the link and meeting ID on the poster found on the Penn State Abington Athletics website, or any of their social media accounts.
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