A Technological Push Into the New Form of Teaching

Classroom with a chalkboard in the front.

Cristian Rodriguez

Due to COVID, schools across the United States have been teaching through virtual meetings for the past year. For college, this change has not been major, but grades K-12 have had to use more technology. Some schools like Wayne Trail Elementary in Maumee, Ohio, are beginning to embrace modern technology and are planning to incorporate it when schools open again. Soon enough, many school programs may start to expect a certain level of knowledge with technology from their teachers.

Showing the diffeernt uses of a computer.


Wyane Trail Elementary recently started using the Lu, a new interactive projector. Teachers can program questions into the Lu and students can answer them through different physical and mental activities. The school had already begun to use the Lu last year just before switching to virtual learning and are planning to resume use once they’re open again.

While technology has advanced throughout the years, grades K-12 have for the most part been conducted in the same fashion until recently. After COVID occurring, the technology of teaching should be taken into consideration by education majors.


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