A Meltdown of Cataclysmic Proportions

Ryan Shea

Glaical caps on the Rwenzori Mountains, a mountain rage found on the border between Uganda and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, have been slowly melting ever since 1906. This melting process picked up exponentially in 2021, which has created problems for the people below the mountain ranges. As it stands, the people of the Democratic Republic of the Congo aren’t experiencing anything major or cataclysmic, but the melting process is taking its toll on the people of Uganda.

Ugandan citizens living on the base of the Rwenzori mountain range are starting to experience massive changes in climate, such as periodic droughts or floods; this is massively detrimental to people in the area who thrive on agriculture. It’s been speculated that these climate changes from the melting of the glacier caps could force permanent changes to future lifestyles, with a Ugandan citizen by the name of Ms. Masika stating, “It’s making me uncomfortable, thinking of how the next generation is going to survive this horrible situation.”

Though these shifts from the melting glaciers have proven to be detrimental for the lifestyles of Ugandans, but there could be some ways that they can acclimate to the oncoming storm.

Ugandan citizens rely on agriculture for survival, but the base of the mountain is now rather unsustainable for growing crops. Relocation could potentially be in order so long as other regions in Uganda are able to handle an influx of people migrating. The people of Uganda are currently trying to come up with their own long-lasting solutions to mitigating this force of nature.

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