ACURA Winners


This year’s ACURA fair was held from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m. There was time before the fair for families to come and see their students’ projects. We spoke to some of the participants and provide a list of winners and honorable mentions below.

Project: Both intergroup contact and familiarity are related to cross-race face memory: A longitudinal study Students: Sargent Acosta (PSS 2025); Rebecca Sulpovar (Biology and Psychology 2025) Faculty: Dr. Michael J. Bernstein (PSS)

“Our project is about how intergroup contact and familiarity affects the Cross-Race effect, which is the tendency for individuals to recognize same-race faces better than cross-race faces; and what we found is that as participants experienced increased cross-race contact, that lead to greater cross-race familiarity and improved facial processing and memory for cross-race faces.” – Sargent Acosta.

Project: Project Echo – Bringing Accessibility and Engagement to Hybrid Classrooms and Workplaces. Student: Derek Magers Faculties: Professor Peter Hornberger and Professor Yi Yang

“Project ECHO is a throwable microphone designed to enhance engagement and support audio accessibility for traditional classrooms, hybrid classrooms, and medium-sized meeting spaces. The device is passed to whomever wishes to speak. This allows conversation and discussion to be amplified, live-closed captioned, or both.” – Derek Magers.

Project: Comparing the Fishbone and the Traditional Warehouse Layout: An Empirical Study Using Augmented Reality Students: Eric Estadt, Hoang Nguyen, Parth Shah, Kevin Skinner Advisor: Dr. Sabahattin Gokhan Ozden

“Our project is comparing warehouses using state of the art Augmented Reality web technologies, this research has economic value to the field by both providing a tool for warehouse construction, research, and training; and research showing the effectiveness of specific warehouse layouts.” – Hoang Nguyen and Eric Estadt.

Winners of the 2023 Abington Undergraduate Research Fair (ACURA):

Arts and Humanities:

First place: AH1 Attitudes toward Covid-19 among U.S. practitioners if Asian medicine
Students: Priya Mathiy, Alyssa Dass, Sareena Gurung and Joshua M. Kuntz – Faculty mentor: Pierce Salguero

Second place: AH2 Enslavement to Sharecropping: Finding and marketing an independent identity for Stagville State Historic Site
Students: Al-Abyad Hussein and Samuel Carper – Faculty Mentor: Sharon Holt

Science and Engineering

First place: SE6 Ascorbate has antiproliferative effects on gastrointestinal stromal tumor cells
Students: Andrew Harnishfeger and Michael Krawitz – Mentor: Thomas Mcguire

Second place: SE12 Using Consumer-Grade Electronics to Measure Vibration of Rocket During Engine Test
Students: Akinade Peter-Koyl and Ryland Wulff – Faculty Mentor: Masataka Okutsu

Honorable mentions

SE14 Extraordinary Stability of MoSe2 Under High Dose Gamma-Ray Irradiation for Nuclear and Space Applications Students: Javari Cherry, Teresa Aditya, and Zhuhang Yu-  Faculty Mentor: Burcu Ozden

SE11 Using Augmented Reality to Design and Analyze Warehouses Students: Eric J. Estadt, Hoang Nguyen, Sethu Senthil, Parth Shah, Kevin Skinner – Faculty Mentor: Sabahattin Ozden

SE13 Chemistry of Wine Students: Saranya Ananth, Margarita Badalyan, Alysse Tucker, Aidan Gonzalez, and Nour Alatki – Faculty Mentor: Kevin Cannon

Social Sciences and Business:

First place: SS1 Quality of Life and Coping in Individuals with Chronic Illness
Student: Lexie Williams – Faculty Mentors: Diane Rosenbaum

Second place: SS6 Social Influences on Video Gaming Behaviors in College Aged Populations
Student: Jaden Jones – Faculty Mentor: Glenn Sterner

Second place: SS10 Black Men’s Romantic Partner Preferences: Exploring How Race and Color Matter
Student: Dante Thomas – Faculty Mentor: Elizabeth Hughes

Honorable mentions:

SS8 Reproductive Justice Narratives of People with Disabilities: Overturned and Overlooked Student: Cameron Manser – Faculty Mentor: Abigal Akande

SS3 “Cooking, Cleaning, and Contributions: Exploring Gendered Division of Labor in Thanksgiving – Family Celebrations” Students: Kyleigh Byers, Emma Jamison, and Fi Montany – Faculty Mentor: Beth Montemurro

SS5 Long-term Impacts of Clergy Perpetuated Child Sexual Abuse on Victims Student: Kayla Hernandez – Faculty Mentor: Glenn Sterner

SS7 Examining Public Stigma Toward Substance Use Student: Maria Badalyan – Faculty Mentor: Glenn Sterner

Library Award Winners

First place: Lexie Williams, “Quality of Life and Coping in Individuals with Chronic Illness” – Faculty Advisor: Diane Rosenbaum

Second place: Kayla Hernandez, “Long-term Impacts of Clergy Perpetuated Child Sexual Abuse on Victims” – Faculty Advisor: Glenn Sterner

Third place: Dante Thomas, “Black Men’s Romantic Partner Preferences: Exploring How Race and Color Matter” – Faculty Advisor: Elizabeth Hughes

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