10 Quick, Easy, and Affordable Breakfast Ideas for College Students

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Kaela Sherron

For college students, stress is high and time and sleep are scarce. Skipping breakfast seems easy, but breakfast is an important meal for steady energy. With the right ingredients, your breakfast will help you feel better throughout your day. Many classic and delicious breakfasts seem to be too involved in the morning–especially when tired, running low on time, and lacking money. Below are some quick, easy, and affordable breakfast ideas for students who want to eat a better breakfast but don’t know where to start. 

  1. Yogurt Parfait. Grab some yogurt, granola, fresh or frozen fruit, and put it in a container the night before and it will be ready for you the next morning. Natalie Butler, a registered and licensed dietitian, discusses the benefits from eating yogurt in Medical News Today
  2. Fresh Fruit. Jerlyn Jones, a licensed dietitian, from Healthline, reviewed breakfasts. Jones suggests fruit as a breakfast due to the low calories, fiber, vitamins and minerals, and simple sugars that are found in fruit. Jones explains that fiber will slow the body’s absorption of the sugars which gives a steady source of energy.
  3. Granola or energy bars. Registered dietitian, Rachael Ajamera, from Healthline, says that granola bars contains high fiber so it will keep you full for longer as well as other healthy ingredients like oats, dried fruit, and nuts. However, while they are convenient, she suggests to keep out for added sugars, carbs, and calories. 
  4. Pop Tarts. Doctor Josh Bloom, a scientist, discusses in an American Council on Science and Health article about each ingredient that is found in Pop Tarts and scientifically explains them. Overall, Dr. Bloom indicates that Pop Tarts aren’t exactly healthy, but it is not the worst option out there.
  5. Cereal and milk. A classic go-to breakfast that is quick and affordable. Imashi Fernando, a registered dietitian nutritionist, discusses in an article from Healthline the health benefits from cereal. Unfortunately, cereal is made from refined grains, which makes the cereal highly processed with many added ingredients. However, to avoid this, Fernando suggests to look for cereals low in sugar and high in fiber. 
  6. Frozen waffles/pancakes. Instead of making them from scratch, it’s easy to put them in the microwave and then eat. Saves money and time. Beth Bradford, a health expert from HealthDigest, discusses the importance of whole grain waffles. Regular frozen waffles have enriched vitamins and minerals as well as added sugars. Bradford suggests Kellogg’s Kashi 7 Grain Waffles which have 6 grams of fiber and 4 grams of added sugar in addition to having less calories and fat. 
  7. Whole Grain Toast. Simple and easy for a quick bite to head out the door! Jones wrote in Healthline that, “whole grain toast is high in fiber and complex carbs.” These help you feel full for longer due to their slow digestion.  
  8. Smoothies. If in a rush, make it the night before. Jones endorses in Healthline the idea of smoothies due to the many ingredients that can be combined. Jones suggests to add protein powder as a way to increase protein content as well as a way to help reduce hunger. 
  9. Overnight oatmeal. It is easy to throw everything into a jar or container in the refrigerator overnight so that you can take it on the go the next morning. Jones medically reviewed in Healthline that oats have beta-glucan, which is a soluble fiber, that can help lower glucose and cholesterol levels. Oats also provide iron, zinc, magnesium, and B vitamins. 
  10. Hard boiled eggs. Eggs are simple and nutritious. Jones states that eggs have fewer calories which can support weight management. In addition, the yolk of an egg has lutein and zeaxanthin which supports eye health and can have benefits for skin, eye, liver, and cardiovascular health. Eggs also contain A and B vitamins, as well as iron and calcium.

According to UTEP Healthy Miner, there are many reasons as to why breakfast is important in the morning, especially for college students. The most important one is that breakfast helps with energy levels. Having enough protein, fat and carbohydrates will fuel your body for the rest of the day. Not only this, having enough energy to last the day will help with concentration which leads to better grades. UTEP says, “It has been shown that eating good-quality foods during breakfast time can significantly improve your concentration skills, particularly those pertaining to memory and recall” (UTEP). Due to this, students will see an improvement with their grades. UTEP explains, “This happens because breakfast supplies your nervous system with essential nutrients, and it also alleviates feelings of hunger and rumbling tummies, which can interfere with your capacity to focus if they are not controlled” (UTEP). All in all, making breakfast can be difficult due to scheduling, however, the suggestions above help to make eating breakfast easier. 

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