Differentiate from Students with a Minor
Diana Pochara Minors can be additional credentials to your resume that differentiate you from employers because it requires an additional… Continue Reading Differentiate from Students with a Minor
Diana Pochara Minors can be additional credentials to your resume that differentiate you from employers because it requires an additional… Continue Reading Differentiate from Students with a Minor
As students progress through each semester, they are frequently required to create a PowerPoint presentation in multiple classes. It will benefit students who are inexperienced in formatting to learn how to create a professional PowerPoint for their classes and their careers. Continue Reading Creating a Professional PowerPoint: the Do’s and Don’ts
Diana Pochara
Once students have decided to pursue a master’s degree, they must decide if they should begin working after college or instantly pursue the degree. Factors to consider are time and money. Continue Reading Trade-Offs of a Master’s Degree
Diana Pochara
Once students graduate, they can either take a gap year, work, apply for jobs, volunteer, or continue their education through a master’s degree. Advancing their career through a master’s degree will be a major advantage for students in their career. Continue Reading Advance your Career: Consider and Plan a Master’s Degree
Diana Pochara
Penn State has partnered with LinkedIn to offer LinkedIn Learning certifications to students. These certifications can impact student resumes. Continue Reading PSU Partners with LinkedIn to Offer Students Free Certifications
Diana Pochara
Students may feel overwhelmed after graduation because classrooms don’t always provide the experience needed for students to face a professional environment. One way they can compensate is to join the Abington Business Leaders (ABL) and the Finance and Investors Association (FIA). Continue Reading Impacting Your Future: Top 8 Reasons to Join the Abington Business Leaders and the Finance Investment Association
Diana PocharaThe Lares cafeteria is currently cashless, but is a cashless cafeteria good for everyone? Continue Reading Weighing a Cashless Cafeteria