Events / Company Presentation with Roche

Company Presentation with Roche

January 26, 2023
6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

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How would you feel about a world without HIV/COVID/MS? Well, that is exactly what we are working on at Roche. Roche is a global pioneer in pharmaceuticals and diagnostics focused on advancing science to improve people’s lives. We truly do things that help NOW. Within the Roche Support network, our team of 800+ people work together to minimize workflow interruptions and improve efficiencies through end-to-end customer support. We work across our network with the singular mission of making our customers successful by delivering breakthrough diagnostic solutions. By ensuring that we provide support at the right time to our customers and building a world-class Roche customer experience, we are adding value to doctors, laboratories, and society. – Doctors: Our advanced diagnostics and aggregated healthcare data support clinicians in making the right diagnosis at the right time. – Hospitals, Laboratories, and Clinics: Automation, digitalisation and integration are taking diagnostics beyond the lab and beyond what would have been possible just a few years ago. – Society and Healthcare Systems: Our diagnostics solutions can help healthcare systems around the world manage their resources more effectively. Come join us and learn more about our company and future openings!. . . . . . . . Join Zoom Meeting: . Meeting ID: 965 8987 5744. . Passcode: 730791. . . . . . . . This virtual event is hosted by Rocheand is open to all Penn State University students. For more information visit to see instructions on how to get connected. Questions about attending? Penn State Abington students can reach out to Penn State Abington Career & Professional Development at

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