Events / Safer People And Trans Inclusion

Safer People And Trans Inclusion

October 20, 2020
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Event Name: Safer People And Trans Inclusion
Organization: AB – Admin – Student Affairs
Is the event open to the general public?: FALSE
Location Details or Virtual Event Link:
Location Details (Venue or Virtual Event Platform):

The Safer People Safer Places foundations workshop provides faculty/staff a baseline knowledge for understanding and addressing sexual and gender diversity. Through the workshop, participants discuss a variety of topics that will help them become a better ally and provide support to members of the LGBTQ+ community. After attending the Foundations workshop, participants will be able to define and describe common concepts and language relating to sexuality and gender; explore the experience of homophobia, heterosexism and genderism; and identify specific actions to create welcoming, affirming and inclusive spaces for people marginalized by their sexuality and/or gender. After completing the Foundations workshop, participants will be able to display the Safer People Safer Places decal as well as be listed on our online resource page as a network member. This workshop will introduce student leaders to what it means to be lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or queer, how to use gender neutral pronouns and how to run activities that don’t exclude non-straight folks. Fun and informative icebreakers will get students talking and expanding their knowledge about leading inclusive groups and embracing sexual & gender diversity. We will also discuss strategies to help create and maintain a 'safe space' within groups, teams and organizations. These tools are useful for you as a student leader and future employee.