A two-hour workshop that equips youth with design-thinking skills to develop SDG- focused projects for local implementation. . . Attendees are grouped with like-minded peers and are challenged to critically think about their sustainability objectives and tangible ways to meet them. This live, module + breakout sessions format provides students with knowledge of the steps needed to create an action plan, and the time to collaborate with peers on solutions and implementation design. . . . . Registration Required: https://thesdgslab.com/psa . . . . *Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Speaker Series — Listen & Connect with UN Officials . . . . Students will hear from multiple UN Officials and connect through live Q&A’s, learning about international implementation of the SDGs, how our speakers got to where they are today, and what advice these United Nations professionals have for students engaging with sustainability. . . . . Our Speaker Series is open to all our SDGs Launch participants across North America. These 1-hour sessions will be weekly, continuous throughout the entire year, and we will alternate between our 6 UN speakers. Students can opt in to hear from all of our speakers, or only choose to join the ones they prefer. More info here: https://thesdgslab.com/psa
Event Details: https://engage.abington.psu.edu/rsvp?id=1471641
Sustainable Development Goals Action Model Plan Launch
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