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Freedom of the Justice

Ryan Shea

The 2017 film Justice League turned out to be a critical and audience flop, and many attributed this to the removal of director Zack Snyder during the production of the movie. From this, fans of Snyder begged for years to have Snyder’s vision of the movie be fully released, with those who weren’t fans of Snyder being skeptical over such a version of the movie even existing. Continue Reading Freedom of the Justice

When Can Fans Fill Stadiums In The City of Brotherly Love

James Hartnett

As we approach the historic one-year anniversary of a global pandemic forcing the sports industry to shutter its doors to the public, where leagues across the globe canceled or postponed seasons due to the sudden and rapid emergence of COVID-19, fans begin to question when will they be allowed back into the stadiums to cheer on their favorite team.  Continue Reading When Can Fans Fill Stadiums In The City of Brotherly Love