Recharge your batteries just in time for Finals! Join us in Room 10 of the Penn State Abington Library for… Continue Reading Finals Recharge
Come out and study with RA Bri the weekend before finals! Chips and drinks will be provided! — Event Details:… Continue Reading Study With RA Bri
Join us on the fourth floor for a Ping Pong Tournament from 7-8PM. We will have pizza and prizes to… Continue Reading Ping Pong Tournament
Student Organization Council. — Event Details:
Residents will come and get donuts while also learning about how to better manage their stress and learning about study… Continue Reading Donut Stress
Join us this Monday 12:15-1:15 in Sutherland 8 to learn how to format a resume and write a cover letter!… Continue Reading Personal Finance Meeting
Fall 2023. . Peer Tutors for Math & Science. . Evening drop-in tutoring. . Let’s study together!. . Meeting Link:… Continue Reading Math & Science Peer Tutors
Fall 2023. . Peer Tutors for Math & Science. . Evening drop-in tutoring. . Let’s study together!. . Please note… Continue Reading Math & Science Peer Tutors
Learn techniques, strategies and skills that will help you ace your next interview. — Event Details:
As winter break is approaching, stop by Lubert Commons to build gingerbread houses and spend time with friends before the… Continue Reading Merry Winter Break Party