While there are skills that differ between the civilian and military world, Leadership is a skill that is fully transferable… Continue Reading Leadership in the Military
Come join us to meet new MSA members and discuss events we have for this semester — Event Details: https://engage.abington.psu.edu/rsvp?id=1768793
Interested in internships, research, study abroad or service learning? Meet with. . representatives from CPD, ACURA, Global Programs, SEAL and… Continue Reading Experience Beyond the Classroom Fair – Postponed to a time tbd
Keynote speaker: Moriah Hathaway, Executive Director Pennsylvania Commission for Women. . . Join our speaker for a conversation about political… Continue Reading Constitution Day: Political Engagement & Participation in the Age of Social Discontent
Welcome to LSO’s Spanish Movie Night! Come join us for the film “Sin Nombre”, a film that takes us on… Continue Reading LSO’s Spanish Movie Night
Come and work out with us for a 30 minutes routine in the backyard at lions gate. The workout session… Continue Reading Workout with… LiveWell and Lions Gate
This event was created with the purpose of creating awareness, providing information, and breaking the taboo of talking about sex… Continue Reading CANDY AND CONDOMS
NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center is coming to your university to make a connection with students that are interested in… Continue Reading NASA Career Exploration Series: Exploring Asset Management
Why can’t motivation always help you to achieve your goals? This session will explore interactive exercises built to reinforce your… Continue Reading Discipline not Motivation
Meet new people and gain a deeper understanding of God’s word as we go through “The Gospel-Centered Life” by Robert… Continue Reading Lionsgate Bible Study