At the general meeting of our club, a special speaker from a nearby Church will be invited. Everyone is welcome… Continue Reading Friday General Meting & Gaming
Penn State Abington’s Advising Center is hiring a Peer Adviser for Spring 2022-Spring 2023. This is a PAID leadership position.… Continue Reading We are… HIRING!
Learn to thrive when the answers aren’t obvious. Participate in a hands on Design Thinking based program that will lead… Continue Reading Your Time is Now – Design Your World
Spend time with our amazing presenters as they engage your mind and help you grow. As a student participant you… Continue Reading Your Time is Now – Build Your Tool Kit
Join us in honoring those who lives were lost due to anti-transgender violence — Event Details:
Join us in Lubert Commons for a pre-Thanksgiving celebration! There will be boxed lunches, card games, cornhole, thank you letters… Continue Reading Friendsgiving
Students will share projects that they have been working on related to intercultural competence and multi-lingual learner success. In Collaboration… Continue Reading International Education Week: Start Small, Think Big
In order to shine, you must first know who you are and how you operate. Knowing your true color will… Continue Reading Your Time is Now – Personal Success
Come to Hillel’s November Meeting!. . We will discuss our upcoming events and have a good time with friends! —… Continue Reading Hillel November General Meeting
At the general meeting of our club, a special speaker from a nearby Church will be invited. Everyone is welcome… Continue Reading Friday General Meting & Gaming