Who defines who is a winner or not? Join us to discuss the concepts around winning and what that means… Continue Reading Being a Winner
Meet with alumni and professionals to learn about different career options in human services fields and gain ideas on developing… Continue Reading Careers in Human Services Meetup
A two-hour workshop that equips youth with design-thinking skills to develop SDG- focused projects for local implementation. . . Attendees… Continue Reading Sustainable Development Goals Action Model Plan Launch
We need to work together to achieve racial equity! Come learn more at our event. — Event Details: https://engage.abington.psu.edu/rsvp?id=1471844
Play games, discuss the bible, chat and meet people! — Event Details: https://engage.abington.psu.edu/rsvp?id=1466264
Officers for the next academic year will be voted for, there are open chair positions for those who are interested!… Continue Reading Election Meeting
A general meeting with club members discussing and planning events for the semester. Meeting Link: https://psu.zoom.us/j/92969287047?pwd=WFdvSFdPOE05M0daaUNwaTBsN3FFdz09 — Event Details: https://engage.abington.psu.edu/rsvp?id=1444437
Struggling with social connectedness is common for college students, especially amidst the pandemic. Stronger Together is an open support group… Continue Reading Stronger Together: A Support Group
Our mindfulness-based stress reduction workshop will focus on mindfulness practices and mind-body awareness. It is an open group where students… Continue Reading Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Workshop
Capitol Day is when students from all across Penn State go to the capitol at Harrisburg to advocate for Penn… Continue Reading Capitol Day