Overcome your fear of tests and develop strategies to help you take exams confidently! Meeting Link: https://psu.zoom.us/j/95505266354 — Event Details:… Continue Reading Test-taking Strategies and Test-stress Management
Come play volleyball in the athletic building in the gym! Bring your friends, guests, and most importantly your competitive spirit!… Continue Reading Volleyball Night
Fifth floor residents are all welcome to RA Ashley’s room to study and socialize with their floor mates! — Event… Continue Reading Fifth Floor Study
Enter to win a stand mixer by sending us a picture of you with a baked good you made along… Continue Reading The Big Bake Theory – Baking Contest
Join in on the discussion this Friday! It will be oriented around ethnic-minority parents, more specifically African Parents. You don’t… Continue Reading African Students Organization General Meeting
Discussing future timeline of Bollywood night and where we stand as of now. — Event Details: https://engage.abington.psu.edu/rsvp?id=1303640
General Meeting discussing further work to be done for Bollywood Night and sharing the progress made so far. — Event… Continue Reading SASA General Meeting
Come watch “Get Out” with us on the Fourth Floor Lounge, popcorn provided. Bring your own drinks and get ready… Continue Reading “Get Out” of Your Apartment For the Night
SIF Board Meetings to review and vote on Funding Requests. Student Org members that submit Funding Requests are encouraged to… Continue Reading STUDENT INITIATED FEE BOARD MEETINGS – Fall 2021
“Arup is an independent firm of designers, planners, engineers, architects, consultants, and technical specialists, working across every aspect of today’s… Continue Reading ARUP – A Day in the Life- Lighting Consultant