Come to the meeting and learn more about ACE, give your ideas of events to bring to campus and meet… Continue Reading Abington Campus Entertainment Meeting
Come enjoy an event that help celebrate the Afro LatinX individuals — Event Details:
Bring a set of your class notes to this workshop that will arm you with the tools you need to… Continue Reading Active Learning through Note-taking and Course Readings
Are you in a major that requires an internship? Would you like to take an Exploratory internship? Join us to… Continue Reading Internship 101
Ever wonder what a day in the life at Lockheed Martin is like? What do they. . do? Who works… Continue Reading Virtual Day in the Life at Lockheed Martin
Organize and create a wellness map for better sleep, greater productivity, focus and academic success. — Event Details:
We’re selling tickets for the No. 11 Penn State/Villanova football game on Saturday, September 25 All-University Day Football game at… Continue Reading All University Day Ticket Sales (PSU Football Game on 9/25/21)
Weekly meeting for the organization C.O.W. — Event Details:
General Meeting, Come hang out! We’ll also be discussing future meetings. . . Be sure to bring a device! —… Continue Reading Queer Student Alliance Meeting
Come learn more about fundraising and social events coming up for our organization! — Event Details: