“Looking for a career in a field that makes a difference in the lives of children and families, while creating… Continue Reading Southeast PA Day of Hire for Child Care
Roughly 40 million adults in the U.S. struggle with depression or anxiety. Not to mention the family, friends, and coworkers… Continue Reading National Depression Screening Day
Library Lions Meeting to discuss upcoming events, activities, and contests! — Event Details: https://engage.abington.psu.edu/rsvp?id=1331790
Join us to learn the questions, strategies, skills and techniques you’ll need to know to ensure that you ace your… Continue Reading Ace That Interview
Learn the ins and outs of how to study abroad with Penn State, all while trying teas from around the… Continue Reading Tea & Travel – Study Abroad 101 Series
The Health Humanities Club general meetings will be bi-weekly on Wednesdays & we will provide lunch. We will hold the… Continue Reading Health Humanities Club General Meeting
An opportunity to take a trip off campus for volunteering, service hours, global involvement and to learn about sustainability!. .… Continue Reading Trip to the Briar Bush Nature Center
Serve Others on campus. Take some time out of your schedule to join your community and give back. Come join… Continue Reading Nittany Day of Service
Take a break and take a walk around campus (weather permitting). Enjoy our beautiful campus while getting some time to… Continue Reading Wellness Walk
Service project at Briar Bush Nature Center. Services Include creating trails, finding invasive plant species, and spreading woodchips. Transportation available.… Continue Reading Briar Bush Nature Center Service Project