Test your golfing skills at 5th Floor Mini Golf. . . Can you get a hole in one? — Event… Continue Reading Mini Golf
This workshop will provide you with the tools to take ownership of your current goals and overcome any obstacles that… Continue Reading Create Your Own Success
Discover what a mandala is with the AAA and Abington’s own professor, Dr. Pierce Salguero! — Event Details: https://engage.abington.psu.edu/rsvp?id=1484561
Holi is a popular ancient Hindu festival, also known as “Festival of love”, “Festival of colors” and the “Festival of… Continue Reading Holi Festival
Join us for a workshop that will identify barriers and emphasize your strengths to achieve success! — Event Details: https://engage.abington.psu.edu/rsvp?id=1538411
Family Feud is a fun social event! Come through with your competitive spirit and win prices. We will also provide… Continue Reading Family Feud
Our first Spring Fest Committee Meeting post spring break! Come discuss events for Spring Fest!! — Event Details: https://engage.abington.psu.edu/rsvp?id=1557739
Learn the key strategies you need to land an opportunity now. — Event Details: https://engage.abington.psu.edu/rsvp?id=1401630
Welcome new and returning students! CAPS is happy to announce our DBT skills group for the Spring 2022 semester. Dialectical… Continue Reading Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) Skills Group
Stop by our table in Lares, spin the wheel and answer a trivia question to pick a prize! — Event… Continue Reading Lucky to have PSU