Rydal Building

What is the Maker Space?

Joseph Handlin
A place to channel your hobby, the Maker Space in the Rydal building’s Room 002 is the spot to be. Looking to get feedback on a piece or project? Want to 3d print a critical part? Various tools and gadgets are available during the school day for student use- just be sure to reserve them. In this article, we sit down with Bill Cromar, a professor in New Media, to get some more information.
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Photo of Dr. Linda Miller

Discovering Your Passion: A Profile of English Professor Dr. Linda Miller

Bailey Reid
Dr. Linda Miller, an English professor here at Penn State Abington, has led a fascinating career, both in and outside the classroom. By realizing what she truly enjoyed, and taking opportunities when they presented themselves, Dr. Miller has discovered her true passions, and encourages students to do the same. Continue Reading Discovering Your Passion: A Profile of English Professor Dr. Linda Miller