Abington College Undergraduate Research Activities

ACURA Project Fair 2022

A girl posing for a selfie

What’s in a Recipe? – The Barclay Manuscript

Abstract (AH2)

Throughout this project, we explored and transcribed a multigenerational recipe manuscript compiled by Christian Barclay Jaffray in late seventeenth-century Scotland. While modern recipe books usually focus only on food, this time capsule also captures recipes for medicinal remedies, dyes, and other household products. This manuscript was a glimpse into Barclay’s kitchen, giving clues about everyday life during this time.

Student Authors: Saranya Ananth, Kathryn Brodeur, Fabiana Cajamarca, Leah Davis and Emily Lang

Faculty Advisors: Marissa Nicosia, Christina Riehman-Murphy and Heather Froehlich

About the Presenters:

Saranya Ananth is a Premedicine major. She is researching brandy and its evolution in medicine over centuries before and after the Barclay manuscript was written.

Kathryn Brodeur is an astrophysics major. She is researching the use of ginger in contrasting sweet and sour recipes in the Barclay manuscript.

Fabiana Cajamarca is a biology major. She is researching nutmeg which has been used in the Barclay manuscript in recipes like cakes and creams.

Leah Davis is a Psychology major, looking to earn a B.A degree. She is researching the individual parts of a lemon and their uses both within and outside of Barclay’s manuscript.

Emily Lang is an integrative arts major. She is researching the rise and fall of the usage of gooseberries, in relation to the large amounts Barclay mentions using in the manuscript.



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