Dedicated Indoor Spaces
1. Conference Center 102
Capacity: 30
- Bring your own device and a headset with built-in microphone.
- Power outlets provided.
- Whiteboards provided for student use.
- May also be used for quiet study or group work.
2. Lares – Room G4 (Basement) Computer Lab
Capacity: 20
- Lab computers have a built-in webcam, but you will need to bring a headset with a built-in mic (plug in headset BEFORE logging in).
- You can also use your own device in the computer labs, but you will also need to bring a headset with a built-in mic.
- Standard power outlets are available on the desks.
3. Sutherland – Room 220
Capacity: 7
- Bring your own device and a headset with built-in microphone.
- Power outlets provided.
- One desk with docking station available on a first come, first serve basis.
- May also be used for quiet study or group work.
Find an Open General Purpose Classroom
Click one of the links below to view classroom availability by time block for each day of the week. Please ensure the classroom you intend to use is available for the entire duration of your Zoom class.
Monday – Tuesday – Wednesday – Thursday – Friday
- Bring your own device and a headset with built-in microphone.
- Power outlets provided.
- Whiteboards provided for student use.
- May also be used for quiet study or group work.
Outdoor Spaces with Wi-Fi
Tents (seasonal)
Athletic Building Parking Lot
- Bring your own device and a headset with built-in microphone.
- Please ensure your device is fully charged.
Approximate Campus Outdoor Wi-Fi Coverage