When you think of weird bands, you usually associate the “weird” with their style of music. The band I’m about to present today has weird music, but they are just extremely weird in almost every other aspect. GWAR is a si-fi-based rock band formed in the 80s. The band’s members said that the acronym GWAR doesn’t stand for anything, but some fans have interpreted it as “God What an Awful Racket”. GWAR doesn’t really have the musical talent or strength of other bands I’ve listed on this blog. They have only sold 820,000 records in the United States. GWAR’s real stand-out ability comes from their shock factor and overall weirdness.
GWAR all started in 1984 when Dave Brockie began recruiting fellow hippies at Virginia Commonwealth University. He ended up finding fellow band members Hunter Jackson and Chuck Varga. These three collectively formed a production space titled “The Slave Pit” for a movie they wanted to create together. The movie they ended up creating was filled with the band playing weird songs and sacrificing fake animals. The band gained some traction through this video but mainly for their musical abilities. The band collectively came to the name GWAR and decided to focus their energy on a musical career.
In 1988, GWAR released the album Hell-o which featured heavy metal rock and violent lyrics. The album wasn’t all too successful as they maintained their small niche audience. In 1990 they released Scum Dogs of the Universe, the album that helped them gain global attention. The album was extremely vulgar and filled with crazy inappropriate concepts like pedophilia and so on. Their following album This Toilet Earth was even more controversial. GWAR casually sang about extremely morbid topics like sodomy, necrophilia, and mutilation. This shock factor music gained GWAR a large niche following. Some people saw GWAR as a protest against society and they loved the freedom their music provided.
GWAR didn’t limit their weirdness to just their music. GWAR had the most obscene costumes of possibly any band ever. GWAR members wore futuristic barbarian outfits that did a poor job covering their private areas. Each member had a crazy helmet that matched their stage name. In addition, GWAR’s concerts were certainly an experience. They often performed simulated acts of violence like beheadings on stage. Their signature event of every concert would be when they spray the audience with simulated body fluids. Sounds weird right.
GWAR is certainly the weirdest band on my list. They got famous because of their weirdness. GWAR may have been for fun initially, but they gained a mass following of similarly minded fans. Their political satire and overall violence drew people to them. Although I don’t personally like their music, this list wouldn’t have been complete without mentioning them.