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Internship Check-In

I can’t believe that it’s already the fifth week of my internship! Summer has blown by and things are moving so quickly. So quickly… I ignorantly forgot to blog the past 2 weeks as I got caught up in the swing of life, so I will make up for it by...

CHC Internship: Week 4 of 10

Each week, I find it helpful to list a challenge and a success from the week, so I will be doing that here. The biggest challenge this week, not necessarily for me but for the organization as a whole, is that we are preparing for the arrival of fellowship groups from...

Week 5 of 10

This past week I was focused on July 4th. We have two days of PTO so I decided to use them on Wednesday and Friday. Tuesday night, after work, I drove down to Ocean City, Maryland to stay at a friend’s house. I was extremely excited about the trip because we...

Week 4 of 10

To be completely straightforward it is about that time in summer when weeks start to blur together. Everything has happened in what feels like the same week. I can’t believe I’m starting the 5th week already, almost halfway done. Last week I got to help my...

The Art of Adulting

Hello PLA, Although not required to write over the summer, I find myself craving to read old blog posts and write new ones! I am nineteen years old. I still have teen in my age. It doesn’t feel so long ago that I was a pre-teen. Time is going by super fast and I...

CHC Internship: Week 3 of 10

Each week, I find it helpful to list a challenge and a success from the week, so I will be doing that here. The biggest challenge this week was taking on a new assignment, a competitive analysis to see where my host organization stands compared to other...

Week 3 of 10

This past week was once again great. This week I worked with Power BI. I felt this to be the hardest learning curve surprisingly. Although the software is easy to use, it’s very specific with the data it takes and that’s the hardest part. I had to learn...

CHC Internship: Week 2 of 10

This summer, I am interning with the Congressional Hunger Center (CHC) in Washington, D.C. Though the CHC directs the internship program, they pair me up with a host anti-hunger organization, Halcyon House, with which I will spend most of the summer. Halcyon House...

Credo Culture

Last week was a busy one. Johnson & Johnson brought all of the finance interns from around the country to New Brunswick, NJ for “Intern Bootcamp”. Bootcamp was an exciting chance to get to meet other interns from around the country as we got formally...

CHC Internship: Week 1 of 10

This summer, I am interning with the Congressional Hunger Center (CHC) in Washington, D.C. Though the CHC directs the internship program, they pair me up with a host anti-hunger organization, Halcyon House, with which I will spend most of the summer. Halcyon House...

Week 2 of 10

This week was amazing! I started the week by learning SAP. SAP is an enterprise resource planning software that many large businesses use. It took me about two days to get used to using the software and be able to pull pieces of data to create Excel sheets that...

Catching Up

Summer has already been such an amazing time. After I got back home from school I used the 3 weeks (before the start of my internship) to relax and catch up with old friends. It’s always great to see how people progress and how far they’ve come, especially...

Business Brigade to Greece

I have been extremely fortunate over the last 20 years to travel to a variety of different places. One thing that was missing from all these trips, however, was a component of volunteering and the chance to give back. Two weeks ago, I traveled to Athens, Greece as a...

First Week

Last week, I started my internship at Johnson & Johnson as a Corporate Finance Intern. Safe to say, the first week was full of a lot of learning, but mostly in ways I wouldn’t expect. My learning started off by remembering that New Jersey doesn’t let...

Spain Blog Weeks 2 of 2

On the first day of my San Sebastian journey, I ordered food at the breakfast canteen. I have been in multiple hotels, and assumed that most would work the same. I urgently entered the breakfast area as I was hungry and scanned the layout to understand the process....

Spain Blog Week 1 of 2

On Wednesday, the group talked to 3 potential “users” to validate ideas and pain points. The assignment was to be completed during the evening in the Old Town and Gros region, and we had to discover the Pintxo experience. The four of us in the group decided to split...

Orientation & NYC

I arrived in New York City last Saturday and spent the weekend moving in. I am glad to have a lot of friends in the city both from Penn State and other schools working in a variety of exciting fields this summer. I didn’t even realize one of my best friends from...

Summer Updates: Good and Bad?

Hello everyone, This summer I am at State College working for the office of DEI in the Division of Development and Alumni Relations. This office is very unique as we work more with faculty than alum. I am super glad Gabby R, who was on my UPUA campaign team (merch) is...

What I have learned 1 week into working abroad

Hi PLA! I hope you all are having a great summer! Right now, I am on the terrace of my dorm in Rome with a view of the Vatican. Life is not real! I have been here for about two weeks now, starting the third and I am so incredibly grateful. I am currently a part-time...

My time in Kenya

I just arrived back in the states after being in Kenya for three weeks, and that was for sure a wild ride. I need to make up for all the blogs I was supposed to do over the trip, so there may be some mild spam happening, apologies! I thought I’d start though,...

PLA Experience Blog: GBLE in Athens

As I am writing this blog, I am currently sitting in the Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport in Serbia. This certainly feels like a “you might be wondering how I got here” moment. Well, I am currently on my way to the Netherlands to visit one my best friends from back home...

Summer Nerves

Hey guys, I can’t believe it’s already our last blog :(. I will be writing blogs over the summer so not as sad for me, stay tuned for those. What I really can’t believe is that this blog marks the end of my first year in PLA. I feel like sophomore...

Time Well Spent

It does not feel real that my sophomore year of college has essentially ended. This year has been full of surprises, and I have grown so much as an individual. I want to just use this blog to reminisce on what happened this year.   I lived in North and soon my...

Business is Closed

With the weather being warmer and the sun shining, assignments coming nearing the finish line, this semester is almost over and I am filled with a mix of emotions. I’m so happy this semester is finally ending because this semester was a testament to what I want...