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It’s always interesting to walk in the door with one opinion and leave with several new ones. Tonight’s discussion with Admiral Michael Giorgione was one for the books. I was captivated from the moment he began to speak until when he ended- a rare occasion for me and my attention span. Tonight’s discussion centered around leadership legacy and I must admit our Delta class has come a long way. Don’t get me wrong- everyone has been opinionated since day one. However, tonight was different. Everyone seemed so comfortable and highly vocal- many classmates were easily challenging others. As cliche as it sounds, these are the moments I enjoy most. I lean in, open my ears, and prepare to be astounded by my fellow classmates. This academy truly is special, it is remarkable how each class is vetted in such a way that a group full of different minds merges and can create such a myriad of thoughts.

On another note though- I was frustrated with myself when I reflected on what I had written for my leadership legacy essay. I focused on the characteristics it takes to be a leader, which is critical, however I seemed to have forgotten the big picture for a moment. Rather, I should have focused on what it takes to make a society be able to perpetuate favorable outcomes. It is the following quote the Admiral shared with us that made me realize my error:

“Go from being a success, to being significant.”     -Kareem Abdul Jabbar

I feel that often times I can get caught up making sure I am taking the necessary steps to be employed, involved, check the boxes if you will. These actions are all taken to ensure I can support myself post college. However, these are all such minuscule details in the scheme of things. Have I forgotten the most important point? I am but a vanishing moment in this whole marathon of existence, I have an obligation to leave the place better than I found it, or else I’m just taking up space. Needless to say, it was a powerful reminder and impactful lesson.