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Teachers Fired for Teaching Black History

This morning, as I scrolled through Facebook, I saw an interesting news clip about a number of social studies teachers at Howard University Middle School being fired for teaching African-American history to their students. According to video, which I have found an...

Comments on Stephanie and Kori

  It sounds like Stephanie had a blast experiencing so many types of dance! Salsa and bachata are so much fun! When I was in Colombia over the summer, I learned how to dance salsa and bachata from a few friends that I met there. Those types of dances are heavily...

Comments: Charnice & Oren

Girls Empowerment Circle Charnice, Congratulations on becoming the marketing liaison for this incredible organization! As someone who is interested in non-profit work and empowerment of young girls, your post enlightened me. Your mention of the GroupMe app was...

Comments: Erhan and Chris

Erhan,  In college, how many hours one sleeps a night tends to be a controversial topic between friends. Speaking with fellow peers, they tend to push work off during the day, and that leads to late nights with minimal sleep. Sleep is what keeps us healthy, and you...

Growing Pains

I suppose I am still taken aback by the sense of otherness that so pervades life in State College. Logically speaking, it doesn’t make much sense: 3 years in one place, 6 months in another. The lack of any reasonable correlation between time spent and growth...

Dry Forest

For our spring trip this year, the PLA is going to Puerto Rico. Everyone going on the trip (unsurprisingly, most of the PLA) met yesterday for a presentation on the Island from a former expat professor who’d lived on the island for 8 years. Naturally, I am most...

Girls Empowerment Circle

Girls Empowerment Circle I am looking to enter the non-profit sector and one of the goals I set for myself was to become more involved with non-profit organizations. I decided I would participate in two organizations but my tasks of last semester were significantly...

Dancing in the Dominican

This weekend my friend I met in NYC, Evelyn, invited me to her dance studio’s hip hop workshop that was being done Saturday and Sunday morning. I was really happy to finally get to dance again, but I was kind of nervous x5238912 to go by myself, especially because the...

The Wrong Major?

While I usually engineer rocket propulsion systems, one other design that I very carefully engineer with acute precision and dedicated attention is my university curriculum. It’s my education, and I exercise the full extent of my control over it. I built it from the...

Soccer to Lacrosse

We always get a little nervous when entering into a new group, club, organization, school, or even new town. It is natural to have an uncomfortable feeling because it is something new, you don’t know what to expect, and there is a whole new group of people you need to...