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A friend of mine from High School passed away last month. Another had to suspend a key semester because of a serious, sudden health issue.

I have my health. Most of my close friends my family also have theirs. I have safety, and I have a lot of opportunity. In having all these things, as the generic reflection process goes, you tend to forget that these things aren’t a right. All of us don’t deserve these things inherently. It’s a generic realization but I couldn’t help to type it out once more.

Heading into thanksgiving, I’m going to prioritize my time to be spent with friends, family, and thinking about how fortunate I really am. I don’t want to confuse this with feeling guilty to have these privileges – it’s not that. It’s awareness and working on keeping that awareness alive.


In High School, I worked as a cashier at a burger joint. After a few months, the other high school hires left. It was myself, and a core employee group that worked there every single day. They worked hard without a college degree, without any big opportunity given to them, and without excuses.

Whenever I “just can’t get something done” I think of them. I think that somebody out there, given the opportunities that I have, could get what needs to get done, done.

I’m just so sick of hearing the vast amount of excuses I try to give myself, and that other people give to themselves. The amount of lies people tell people is just unbearable, especially in the wake of the things we have going for us that we take for granted.

99% of the time, we’re just not working hard enough or lack self control to accomplish the task at hand.

When I’m working on building my startup, there’s 100 opportunities a day to give myself an excuse on why I should stop doing what I’m doing and not carry out the vision I have in mind.

At a certain point, if you have a vision to make the world a better place and the privilege to be in a position to do so, I feel like you have an obligation to put in that work.

From Prize To Process

One of the biggest shifts in mindset for me because of a focus on being more thankful has been the increased excitement to be apart of the process of hard work, the daily grind, instead of looking forward to the milestones.

I’m excited to put in the work, the sacrifice, because given the privileges and luck that we have, that in itself is the big opportunity.