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A clear mindset allows you to make decisions that directly align with your goals and aspirations, think critically about your decisions without anxiety, and proactively suppressing stress and bad habits. A clear mindset gives you the ability to eat healthy, stay proactive, and “be on your game.” This mindset has the ability for deep self-reflection, sees how tedious tasks feed into the big picture, and has a deep motivation driving it forward.

A cloudy mindset is all about getting through the day, juggling what gets thrown at you, and managing your stress the best that you can. I’m really busy this week, you should see my google calendar, and so-and-so dropped the ball on that project we worked on together. A cloudy mindset is the equivalent to treading on open water, and doing just enough to get the job done, just in time.

A clear mindset knows when to shut off Facebook, turn off the phone, and knows when a good time to check email is. A clear mindset feeds in information one piece at a time, and then immediately moves on. A clear mindset is productivity nirvana.

A cloudy mindset tries to handle everything at once. Notifications drive the behavior of a cloudy mindset: buzzers, dings, beeps, and bops are the signal for the next task. Busy days will go by, but very little will be accomplished.

A clear mindset is able to have empathy, while a cloudy one struggles to keep that top of mind.

Keeping a clear mindset is, in my opinion the most important thing you can do for yourself in life.

(Style Adopted from Ben Horwitz’s Good Product Manager, Bad Product Manager)

Below are a few ways I’ve been trying to keep a clear mindset:

– Setting time aside to be by myself to relax or reflect

– Keeping myself honest through a public discussion

– Writing down my habits and small choices, taking time to become more organized

– Eating healthy and prioritizing time for travel and new experiences

I’ve found making time for all of these things have paid off ten-fold. Converting a day of a cloudy mindset for a clear one is one of the most liberating feelings I’ve come across.