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If you think you’re destined for great things, remember this: Most People Won’t.

When people offer you advice, or vocalize an opinion about your decisions, or decide to put you down, remember: most people won’t.

Won’t What?

Most people won’t do the hard things. Most people won’t act, they’ll just talk. Most people don’t truly think critically about their own lives, nor yours.

I graduate in 5 weeks from now, and I don’t have a full-time job lined up. I don’t have much money in the bank. But, I’ll be taking a chance on my own business and working on paving my own path. I’ll get a part-time job in the meantime while I work through things.

Most people will think I’m too inexperienced to make it work out. 9 out of 10 businesses fail. People will talk amongst themselves. But what most people won’t know is that some people start multiple billion dollar companies, which based on statistics, is impossible. Statistics is for most people.

Everyone thinks playing Monday morning quarterback is the same thing as doing it. Everyone has an opinion. But most people are just absolutely full of it because it’s all hypotheticals. 

Hypotheticals are easy. Talk is cheap. Making decisions and making a true bet on yourself, and in some sense making a bet against most people, is rare. If you have big plans for yourself, don’t worry about what other people think.

First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win. – Mahatma Gandhi

Most people will say that they’re going to lose 10 pounds but are unaware of the discipline required to actually do it. Simply put: most people won’t. Most of your friends won’t be intentional about being a good friend. Time will pass and those friendships will fade because great friendships take effort and thoughtfulness. It’s just true: most people won’t be friends forever. Most of your coworkers won’t put in the extra hours when they need to most to go the extra mile needed. Most people won’t accomplish their professionals goals they start out dreaming about. They find out there’s too much hard work in the way. Most of your mentors won’t understand how to give advice in a way that considers your constraints and their biases. Most people will misunderstand you. Most leaders won’t take a premature bet on you. They just won’t be able to see your potential in the next 5-10 years.

When you find a relationship you value, cherish and nurture it. When you see an opportunity to accomplish your goals, chase and defend it. When someone else sees your true potential and acts on it, know that they aren’t most people, either. Bet on them, too. Listen closely and parse everything that is said to you: because in all criticism, warranted or not, lies some sort of truth or data point to consider.

But when people second-guess your every move, just remember: Most People Won’t.

Most people won’t.

Which means those that do, change everything.

Today is my Birthday, and I wanted to write myself a letter to remind myself that most people are full of it. This isn’t supposed to be an excuse to write people off, but a reminder that simply most people just won’t.  Some ideas were borrowed and inspired from – see the original post here.