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In just 5 short days, thousands of Penn State students will come together to celebrate the largest student-run philanthropy in the world: the Penn State IFC/Panhellenic Dance Marathon. Personally, although I have attended THON for the past two years, this will be my first time experiencing THON as a member of a THON committee. This year, I am on a hospitality committee (named Dunkin DonHOS), and our responsibilities during THON are to work the concession stands throughout the BJC, and to serve meals to the 708 THON dancers. In case you’re curious, our committee color is hot pink.

My experience serving on a THON committee has been unbelievable. Before I even applied, I had heard about the awesome experiences my friends have had on THON committees. Not only did my committee allow me to meet 25 of the most caring and friendly people I have ever met, but it has also enabled me to join the fight against pediatric cancer. Cancer is something that has recently affected a member of my family, and I would do anything in my power to make sure that no other family or child has to experience the devastating effects of the disease.

What I’m most looking forward to during THON is being in the BJC for the final four hours of THON. During these 4 hours, which will take place on Sunday from noon to 4 PM, many of the Four Diamonds families that THON supports will share their stories and experiences. This is also when the total amount of money raised for THON throughout the year is revealed by the executive committee. Overall, all of the hard work and effort that students put into making THON a success culminate in the final four hours of THON, and I’m excited to experience it in a few days!