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As it will be my final semester at Penn State, I have decided to fill my plate to the maximum, as per usual, to get everything I possibly can out of my time at Penn State. After seven intensely packed semesters one would think that I would make my last one fun and relaxing, but that does not seem to be the case. My type A and over extending attitude does not seem to have faded for my last year here.

  1. I hope to not have any more illnesses
    • I have already had a back spasm where I could not walk, gotten a sinus infection, and choked while attempting to swallow my pills for my sinus infection, hit my gag reflex, and threw up all over myself. Honestly this syllabus week did not go at all the way I was expecting. I knew I was going to be busy and stressed, but was definitely not ready for the sicknesses to hit so hard already. This sickness has continued for two more weeks with a very long stint of bronchitis. Hopefully now it will be over for the rest of the semester
  2. Finish my thesis
    • Since I am technically graduating in the summer I can procrastinate on my thesis if I really want to, but I prefer to get it over with. I still have some data to collect and a lot of writing to do on top of 19 credits and MCAT studying and teaching a new course among other things. I am a bit overwhelmed and still figuring out how to manage all of these commitments, but I think it would be really nice to have my thesis completed this semester and not have to worry about it once medical school secondaries start coming out and MCAT prep ramps up.
  3. Get my fitness/ health on
    • This semester I need to not only get through but thrive. I cannot keep getting sick and taking time away from MCAT, EMT course, and my thesis. I am meal prepping weekly with my boyfriend and hopefully this week getting into a gym and yoga grind where I can strengthen for my Polaris trip this summer, but also stretch and calm my mind. I want to really get into a routine where I am eating well and working out so that I can get my body confidence back and also feel good every day.
  4. Get those A’s
    • I am really hoping to finish off my senior year strong!! I received a 4.0 last semester and hope to do that again. A few of my classes are filled with a lot of tedious work, Cas 100A and ENG 202C, but hopefully they will help me become a better writer and speaker along with receiving an A in the course. I am really excited for my EMT course so I will hopefully pass the exam as well as an A in the course. Another one of my classes, SPAN 300B, is online and is Spanish for healthcare professionals where I learn anatomic terminology and how to connect with a wide array of culturally diverse patients.
  5. Cleanliness
    • I am hoping to be cleaner this semester. Somehow my room is already a disaster that I can barely walk through. I spent 5 hours during this winter break reorganizing and cleaning my room so that I would be successful and ready for this semester, but that has not seemed to have been a successful motivator thus far. Hopefully I can figure out a way to make time to clean so that when I am on the go, I can find the things I want quickly. Once my life is back to normal and more regimented it should allow me to be more stringent on how I spend my time and I am hoping it will force me to be cleaner and tidier.
  6. Lastly, I hope to enjoy my life
    • Although I know I will be busy and stressed I am hoping to still make some final, wonderful memories with some of my favorite people in the world. This weekend alone I have gone to my first PSU basketball and PSU hockey games and have discovered I am actually a huge hockey girl. I want to do more fun activities with my friends like bowling, trivia nights, sporting events, concerts, and so forth. I am planning on having the work hard play hard balance that everyone hopes for.

Overall, I was very nervous for this semester. I didn’t know how I was going to accomplish all of my goals but with a great support system and drive I think I can do it. All I know is that I am going to try my best and kick some booty along the way.