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Hey everyone, I wanted to do this blog post this week on kindness.

I specifically chose kindness because during the month of Ramadan, which I observe, we uphold the values of kindness. It is a month to remind us that at the end of the day we are all humans and should take care of each other. As I reflect on life experiences, I realize their were times that I was not kind, that my friends were not kind, and that others were not kind to me. Now I am no way trying to say you have to be perfect 24/7, obivously we have slip ups. However, we should try to minimize these slip-ups and apologize for wrongdoings.

Reflecting on personal experiences, I remember how hard I use to suffer with those not being kind towards me. As I grew up, I learnt that unkindness is a direct stem from anger. So I learnt that it should not effect the girlboss I know I am. I also learnt that I should not direct my anger out on anyone, instead reflect and break down ways I can combat it.

With that being said, let’s not direct our anger on anyone, and instead learn why are we angry.

Some tips I have are:

  1. Journal – write about your days, what went well, what could have gone differently, how are you going to prep for tomorrow?
  2. Close friends and family- whenever I need to rant, I talk to my bestest friend, my mom, about what is going on. Asking advice to an external source who you know only has your best interest in mind is the best way to solve problems.
  3. Hobbies – take an hour out of your day to do a hobby that you love. this helps you relax and relieve stress. I love to go on walks and shop! I do a weekly walk (and sometimes shop) to take time to reflect on my own. During the day, I read, right now I am reading a book I picked up in Denver called “You are a Badass”. I LOVE this book, and definitely recommend.

Now some tips on how you can be kind:

  1. Volunteer- I LOVE doing community service. It makes me feel good knowing I am helping people. I find a great deal of volunteer activities at Penn State and the greater University Park, so let me know if you ever want to volunteer together!
  2. Hold the door for someone / compliment someone – honestly I have a huge smile when someone takes a couple extra seconds to hold the door for me, I don’t know why but it just makes me happy. I LOVE complimenting people. Honestly I have met some of my closest friends just by casually walking past them and complimenting them.
  3. Check-in on your friends – obviously check-in on yourself first, but also let your friends know that you are here for them. It is always good to know that you have a support system.

Anyways I hope that these tips are helpful, and remember to choose kindness! We are all humans and should be humane to one another!!

Also to anyone reading this, know that I am here for you and always a friendly face! Would definitely love to talk to any and all of you! You Are Loved <3 !!