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This Spring Break was a dream come true. Throughout the semester, it becomes easy to centralize our aspirations and lives around our academics which makes breaks so much more important. I believe our academic breaks must be used to relax, heal, and put ourselves first. My favorite experience to partake in while on breaks is traveling. I believe that traveling opens your eyes to different lifestyles, customs, and sights which in turn changes you. Throughout the year, I saved up to go to the Netherlands, Belgium, and France! I got my tickets in September so it was a long awaited trip that motivated me throughout the semester. 

While in the Netherlands, I visited the Van Gogh Gallery, experienced the authentic story of Anne Frank in her home museum, ventured through the canals while learning the story of Amsterdam, and tried many culinary treats. In Belgium, I saw the royal palaces, admired their cathedrals, had the best waffles and fries I have ever savored, and practiced my limited French skills. Finally, I saw the beautiful Eiffel Tower, the Seine, the Louvre, and got crepes in the capital of France. In short, my 10 days abroad were peaceful, educational, and everything that I needed after a long few weeks of class. I arrived back to State College with a new mindset, newfound aspirations, and much more motivation to save up for another trip abroad.