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As I may have mentioned in previous blog posts, this weekend I had the opportunity to volunteer for Infusion – a dance competition hosted at Penn State. Infusion is one of many competitions that occur across the country, and my specific role was to work with the team from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. Over the last 48 hours, I not only was exposed to how much work goes into the choreography and production of a successful dance routine, but was reminded of how big the national college community really is.

These teams that compete at Infusion often also compete at other schools in the span of the academic year. Many of these teams have members who are friends with each other, mutual friends at schools, and have competed against one another for years. A national circuit like this can connect two students from Florida and California that would have otherwise never met. It is really cool to think about the extent to which college students go into getting involved. Dance is one of many of the national college communities that exist. Fraternity chapters, club sports, and even interest/hobby conventions connect people from all over the U.S. that would have otherwise never met. I am glad to have made some new friends from Massachusetts, and am excited to see how future events like these will impact my personal network.