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I visited Bunkers de Carmel today, breathtaking to say the very least. I sat there for an hour and journaled about my past two weeks in the city of Barcelona. Safe to say, it’s been one of the best experiences of my lifetime.

I have always loved travelling and this trip has reaffirmed that. To completely immerse yourself in a culture for three weeks is such an eye-opening experience whether it’s learning more about yourself, other people, or cultures around the world. One of my earlier blogs focused on culture and while it was more in respect to company cultures, it transcends organizations. Growing up in India, moving to the States, and visiting other countries has provided my with the opportunity to experience a multitude of cultures and it truly deepens your outlook on life.

Barcelona has also led to some self-comfort and growth. I have been working towards being more independent and this trip encouraged me to do so. Not knowing anyone on this trip allowed me to get super close with everyone within a short span of time but also allowed me to do my own thing at times. I usually invited the group to my plans but I promised myself that I would do them regardless if others joined me or not. This trip has showed me that doing things on your own is normal, and if anything you should do them. It gives you time with yourself, allows you to reflect on your days and think about life.

The city appreciates life for what it is and they take the time to connect with themselves and others. Stop and smell the roses because you don’t get many moments to be present and alive so create them for yourself.