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Business Brigade to Greece

I have been extremely fortunate over the last 20 years to travel to a variety of different places. One thing that was missing from all these trips, however, was a component of volunteering and the chance to give back. Two weeks ago, I traveled to Athens, Greece as a...

An “Outside of Philly” Connection

Early this week, I got an invite to speak as part of a panel for prospective Schreyer students and applicants at Scholars Day. Hesitant at first, I reflected on how unique of an opportunity this truly would be and decided to push myself outside of my comfort zone and...

The Duality of Human Nature at Penn State

In my SOC 405 class, we recently held a discussion on the works of Emile Durkheim. Durkheim questions the meaning of the word society, and challenges us to ask the following questions: how does it work in relation to the individual? What role does one person play in...

College Communities are Fascinating

As I may have mentioned in previous blog posts, this weekend I had the opportunity to volunteer for Infusion – a dance competition hosted at Penn State. Infusion is one of many competitions that occur across the country, and my specific role was to work with the...

THON 2024

Here are some moments before and during THON weekend that stood out to me and I wanted to share: A few days leading up to THON weekend, I shaved my head with some of my closest friends. This was for “no hair don’t care”, an event giving students the opportunity to...

Completing a Sociology Minor

One of the most interesting pieces of advice I have received thus far at Penn State is to minor in something purely because you are interested in it. Some people disagree and believe that a concentration of study as a minor can help support a resume or help create new...

Looking Ahead at the Semester

As 2024 opens one of my final three semesters here at Penn State, I can’t help but think about where all of the time has gone thus far. Before I know it, I will be applying for graduation, transitioning into tenured status in my organizations, and reflecting on all of...

5th Semester Recap

As I sit down to reflect on my 5th semester at Penn State, it’s hard to believe how fast time has flown by. From navigating campus life to now being in a more mentorship role, each semester has been marked by its unique set of challenges and memorable...

Life Recently

For this week’s blog, I did not have a specific topic in mind that I wanted to dive deeper into. Instead, I decided to take an easier route and simply talk about some things that have happened recently. As of last week, I became the President-elect for my professional...

Starting to think about my Thesis

As part of the Schreyer graduation requirement, I will have to write a thesis in my concentrated area of study or a somewhat related topic. While this can be exciting, it is also something that I know will take up a lot of time over the next three semesters. I...