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Preventing Medical Malpractice and Mistakes

Earlier this week, I had the pleasure to attend a Schreyer Distinguished Honors Faculty Program (DHFP) led by Professor Darlene Clark of the College of Nursing. The title of this particular program was “Medical Mannequins,” and it involved taking a tour of the...

A Recap of the 2017 PLA Spring Trip: Seattle

The PLA Spring trip to Seattle was truly a highlight of my time thus far in the Presidential Leadership Academy. As I remarked to several friends after returning to Penn State, the spring trip was a perfect blend of “touristy and professional.” Not only were we lucky...

Do Politics Belong in Sports?

Several weeks ago, just like millions of Americans across the country, I, too, was glued to the edge of my seat while watching Superbowl 51. What an amazing comeback by the New England Patriots! Congratulations to the Patriots’ quarterback Tom Brady for winning his...

In Anticipation of THON

In just 5 short days, thousands of Penn State students will come together to celebrate the largest student-run philanthropy in the world: the Penn State IFC/Panhellenic Dance Marathon. Personally, although I have attended THON for the past two years, this will be my...

The Most Amazing Things Have the Simplest Explanations

Over the past few weeks in my neuroscience class (BIOL 470), we’ve been discussing the molecular mechanisms that underlie the senses of vision, taste (gustatory), smell (olfactory), and hearing (audition). Even though we’ve all experienced these senses and take their...

Setting Goals for the New Semester

Lately, I’ve been thinking about the goals I want to work towards this semester, and the things I want to achieve by the time May comes around. When developing goals, I think it’s important to write them down so that every day, I can remind myself of the things I set...

A Review of Penn State’s 2016 Football Season

Now that Penn State’s magical 2016 season has ended, I want to use this blog to relive the season and to recap my favorite moments from the season. Back in August, when the 2016 College Football Preseason rankings were released, Penn State was not included in the list...

A Pale Blue Dot and the Future of Space Exploration

Recently, I’ve been getting really interested in the subject of space exploration. I think it all started with a Youtube video I watched featuring the astronomer and astrophysicist Carl Sagan. The subject of the video was a photograph called the Pale Blue Dot, and it...

Godspeed, Mr. President

Like many people across the nation Tuesday night, I, too, was shocked at the outcome of the presidential election. Entering Election Day, nobody, from pollsters to political pundits to the general public, suspected that Donald Trump would win enough states to reach...

The Rise of Donald Trump

Donald Trump: everywhere you look, from your Facebook and Twitter feeds to cable news channels, you cannot escape his name. Ever since announcing his candidacy for the presidency on June 16th, 2015, Donald Trump has dominated conversations across the United States. At...