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Attempt at an Infographic

As you may or may not have known, I was in Iceland a few weeks ago. Upon my return, I had some time to reflect upon my trip, and, for a few hours yesterday, I wanted to attempt to make an infographic about what I completed during my trip. It took quite a bit longer...

Positionality and Creating Public Policy

Upon my first reading of MapLab: The Case for a Cartographer’s Code of Ethics, I kept having two recurring ideas pop into my head: positionality and Great Man Theory. Positionality (something I spend arguably too much time thinking about as a critical geographer) was...

Reflections On A Trip To Iceland

It has been a little less than a week since I have returned from my trip to Iceland with the GREEN Program- so much and so little has changed in those last couple of weeks. I went into my experience with the GREEN Program with no expectations. If anything, maybe I...

The Ethics of Doing Geography in Scale

I am a geographer- more specifically, an interdisciplinary one. And so, in addition to my background doing ethnographic and GIS research, I frequently think about scale and how thinking of different scales may impact my biases and work. Scale (though having several...

Reflecting on Career Needs

As evident from my last post, I have been undergoing an immense internal change. My life has been hectic and, at some point, overwhelming. I have several big trips planned, thesis research, a museum exhibit in the works while maintaining classwork and friendships, all...

Reconnection and Purpose

This weekend, for me, has been more sociable than most. While I would hesitate to call myself an extrovert, I would instead assign myself with the label “sociable introvert” or “shy extrovert,” at the very least. So this period of 72 hours of...

Conformity in Activist Circles

This week I read the book “City of Protest” by Leslie Kern- a book which I would highly recommend. Kern’s book is an autoethnographical look into the culture surrounding urban spaces in terms of social justice movements. It is an exploration of the...

Kiwis- My Future Neighbors

I recently started to watch the Hobbit/ Lord of the Rings trilogies. Since I have plans to live in New Zealand for a few months, I figured it was the most obligatory thing I should do. And even though I know that too many LOTR references bother the islanders, I...

Creative Writing: A Eulogy to Disco

I am taking another break from writing social justice pieces this week, as I am getting to the semester where my brain stops working. So instead, I would like to share a bit of creative writing I did! I listen to many Disco- A LOT. Disco has such a rich history and is...