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Mandatory Self-Care

This weekend I opened the wild party while simultaneously inundated with homework from my theater classes and my gen ed’s. This is stressful on my body, and yes of course, I waited until Sunday to even look at, think about, even smell my homework. When I go to classes...

Sunday Scaries

Sunday, for most people, is one of the scariest days of the week, next to the dread of mourning Monday. Sunday is the day for catching up after a weekend of socializing, it’s a preparation day for the rest of the week, and it’s a fear and anxiety inducing day because...

Honoring Your Fears

On Monday, September 13th, I start weekly rehearsals for The Wild Party at Penn State Centre Stage. I’m both excited and incredibly scared to say the absolute least. I’m fearful for a few reasons: that I’m going to fall apart once the show starts, that I’ll fall back...

Try reading this without smiling…

Ok, so ya’ll want to know the tea? Spring break didn’t happen and a lot of us are on our last few brain cells. I’m feeling more burned out than an asthmatic walking to the bathroom from their bedroom—and yes, I can joke about asthma because I do have it. Not a...

Original Tunes

When school seems insurmountable and I can’t even think about doing homework, I find myself naturally gravitating to writing or listening to music. Music is a safe place for me to embrace emotions and thoughts, fill time, or dance to when I need to move my body....

You have so much POWER!

Do you guys get those notifications on your phone every Sunday that tell you if you’ve spent massive amounts of time on your phone? Or maybe you’re a perfect angel and you spend healthy amounts of time away from your phone? Well, I fall on the former, and my goal as...


If any of you didn’t know, I’m a musical theater major. My life is stressfully rewarding if that makes any sense. My schedule is filled to the brim with classes and activities, and as I progress to senior year, I find myself in the process of having a show written for...

Is wearing a mask more beneficial than you think?

Something that has piqued my interest in the midst of wearing masks is that wearing a mask does more than just protect you from… Covid-19. WOAH, who would’ve thought? The graphic below illuminates the probability of spreading Covid-19; however, this...

What a good energy drink looks like!

in my BISC4 class, we’re learning about the harmful effects of popular advertised energy drinks like Gatorade and Monster. What do we know about these energy drinks? That they’re high in sugar content, they’re high in caffeine, excessive in filler...


On my first summer break home from college, I spent a lot of time revisiting friends from high school. That summer was not a good summer I will say, I was in some of my worst mental health ever and I felt so alone and confused. A lot of my outings with friends really...