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My time in Kenya

I just arrived back in the states after being in Kenya for three weeks, and that was for sure a wild ride. I need to make up for all the blogs I was supposed to do over the trip, so there may be some mild spam happening, apologies! I thought I’d start though,...

A fun project idea I had for myself

I can’t believe the semester is wrapping up so quickly. I think time passes by faster when you’re just busy all the time. I also feel my brain getting into “summer mode”. It’s not quite slacking on everything I’m involved, but just...

Coming to terms with role-modelship

I consider myself a pretty subdued, calm person. And within that definition somewhere, is, I believe, some degree of humility that doesn’t let me get swayed too hard by praise. This semester, though, I found myself in more situations where I’m now someone...

Do you think you would want to be famous?

Coming back from the Denver Trip, I was reflecting on some of the conversations I had and I think my favorite was surrounding the question of whether we’d want fame or not (Shoutout to Hanna Gebremichael). Fame has a very interesting dynamic. You’re...

What makes a good restaurant?

For Valentine’s Day, I got to go to my favorite restaurant downtown: Bistrozine. It’s a clean and cozy restaurant operating behind Big Bowl Noodle House, providing Asian Fusion options and a 100% certified good time. Kimchi Bulgogi tater tots? Check....

Being humbled by adulthood

At the beginning of the semester, I was in a welcome session for one of my student orgs and one of the ice breaker questions happened to be: what was the moment you realized you were an adult? Solid question, so solid, that I couldn’t really answer truthfully at...

How do you define humanity?

This is quite a loaded question for a miscellaneous Tuesday morning. Around the holidays though, I usually feel like people are in higher spirits, and I wind up getting those classic “This will restore your faith in humanity” clips all over social media....

What does overthinking even mean?

At what point is overthinking overthinking? Though I know that I tend to overthink sometimes, it’s hard for me to identify when I am. Sometimes it’s super obvious, where I’m stuck on the most minute detail for minutes rather than seconds, dissecting...

Haikus that don’t make sense

Spiderwebs and jokes                                                                       magical nice watch ratatouille and foie gras                                                                    watch me eat this apple pie cardboard boxes too                 ...